Do you have a plan for inflation protection?


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
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I was too young/dumb to understand or experience the kind of crazy inflation that is happening right now (cause I was a kid), but learned a lot about it in college and have watched/read plenty on nations with runaway inflation and what it does to the economy, folks savings, etc... 

Obviously when inflation is out of control, holding the inflating fiat currency is where you get killed. Having assets (that will inflate is a bit of protection, but you can get stung if the economy is crushed). The assets might not pace the inflation 1 to 1. 

Owing money if it's a low interest rate makes sense. If your wage eventually inflates right? Imagine you owe $250k on a $500k home and you make $100k/year. If you have crazy inflation, then your wage should inflate.. let's say it does 5X.. so now you make $500k/year (which buys the same amount of goods $100k used too).. your mortgage now just went down theoretically by 4/5ths (80%)... and the house wouldn't be a $500k home.. in this scenario if it matched inflation, it would be a $2.5M home.. so you get to pay off that asset with 1/2 a year's salary.

I personally have no debt and have no plans to take it on. My only saving grace is a large (paid off) amount of my business inventory. Today I saw a part my customer paid $9.50 each for in 2016. Today, that part costs $59.75 each. 

Hopefully, 2022 and 2024 there will be political changes, but for some time it seems both parties are spending like drunken sailors.. when it's the Dems it's social garbage, Republicans, more military, .. both feed the corporate machines for kickbacks. I'm a Liberation (mostly).

As I've stated before, if you're salary or hourly, you should be asking for AT LEAST a 10% raise.. if not, you just got a pay cut. I appreciate anyone's expertise/insight as I definitely don't have all the answers... unless it's what to drink.. 😉


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I tried my hand at the stock market and lost 30% of my investment in a month. I started with $40K. Ouch. I had little idea f what I was doing and knew getting in at the top of the market was a huge gamble but inflation was kicking in hard. I haven't sold my stocks yet but plan on selling the 2 that haven't lost anything (yet) and sell some of the losing stock to claim on taxes. Gold and silver used to be a great hedge but not these days. It doesn't move much. I think because the interest has gone to crypto. I think crypto is a pyramid scheme just looking for the next sucker. There is absolutely money to be made on it though. 

They raise the prices on me....I have to raise the prices on others. Simple math. I tell my customers "I'm passing the savings on to you" Peace

Just purchased some ICDB's. Bad investment. They end up in the recycle bin. Peace

Real estate keeps climbing and climbing, cash offers by investment groups for days…
That will slow when interest rates climb and joe plumber isnt competing with chang the chinese investor. 

Cant wait to see what the left blames all of this on. My guess with be fossil fuels and meat. Start buying shares in soy crops and lithium mining

That will slow when interest rates climb and joe plumber isnt competing with chang the chinese investor. 

Cant wait to see what the left blames all of this on. My guess with be fossil fuels and meat. Start buying shares in soy crops and lithium mining
The answer is always Trump. Before Trump, it was GW. 

I tried my hand at the stock market and lost 30% of my investment in a month. I started with $40K. Ouch. I had little idea f what I was doing and knew getting in at the top of the market was a huge gamble but inflation was kicking in hard. I haven't sold my stocks yet but plan on selling the 2 that haven't lost anything (yet) and sell some of the losing stock to claim on taxes. Gold and silver used to be a great hedge but not these days. It doesn't move much. I think because the interest has gone to crypto. I think crypto is a pyramid scheme just looking for the next sucker. There is absolutely money to be made on it though. 
This sucks 

 I have done this before trying to speculate on single stocks. That is usually a bad Idea. You will always have buddies that tell you about the whale they caught but never about all the ones that got away. 

Next time just buy low a cost index fund like VTSAX and leave it alone for decade or two. I think this year it is up like 25%. If you try and make a quick win in the market you will get smoked in most cases. 

Get rich slowly ! 

This is a good read if you want to learn about why you and no one else can pick winning stocks

This sucks 

 I have done this before trying to speculate on single stocks. That is usually a bad Idea. You will always have buddies that tell you about the whale they caught but never about all the ones that got away. 

Next time just buy low a cost index fund like VTSAX and leave it alone for decade or two. I think this year it is up like 25%. If you try and make a quick win in the market you will get smoked in most cases. 

Get rich slowly ! 

This is a good read if you want to learn about why you and no one else can pick winning stocks
Thanks for the solid info badgas. 

This sucks 

 I have done this before trying to speculate on single stocks. That is usually a bad Idea. You will always have buddies that tell you about the whale they caught but never about all the ones that got away. 

Next time just buy low a cost index fund like VTSAX and leave it alone for decade or two. I think this year it is up like 25%. If you try and make a quick win in the market you will get smoked in most cases. 

Get rich slowly ! 

This is a good read if you want to learn about why you and no one else can pick winning stocks
Good info, I would add a suggestion though. Target Date Funds are also an option. I managed my own investments until a year after I retired, I then handed my portfolio to an investment advisor. When I managed my portfolio I used ETF's, Target Date Funds, and some in bond funds. I did dabble in international funds but they are volatile as hell so I nixed that. The nice thing about Target Date Funds is they usually are actively managed and rebalance as they approach their target date, so they follow conventional wisdom on investing.

Also as badgass mentioned, pay attention to fees. High fees will eat at your profits especially as they grow. There are a ton of funds with low fees available, and I believe Vanguard has a lot of funds that are very reasonable as far as cost. I totally avoided loaded funds.

I'm going to get that book you mentioned. Looks like a good read.
