do you have a parking position for trailer when camping in the dunes?

Brian Machnach

New member
May 21, 2021
Reaction score
so when pulling into camp do you just randomly find a spot and drop the landing gear or do you have a certain position you face your camper or camper door?being on the pads may be a little harder to get into a favorite position depending on the pad and how many in your group are there fist.i tend to try and get my door facing east so as mid afternoon hits and we hit peak heat I put out my awning as  the sun is close to directly above you and as it passes over  the camper will cast the shadow the rest of the afternoon it don't always work but I try.

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so when pulling into camp do you just randomly find a spot and drop the landing gear or do you have a certain position you face your camper or camper door?being on the pads may be a little harder to get into a favorite position depending on the pad and how many in your group are there fist.i tend to try and get my door facing east so as mid afternoon hits and we hit peak heat I put out my awning as  the sun close to directly above you and as it passes over  the camper will cast the shadow the rest of the afternoon.
I try and do the same if possible. If not, wherever I fit in circle is just fine too.

Door facing east is best but will take what I can get!

Most times the :wife:  tells me where to's always a horrible spot too :lmao:

Sometimes the Rental Guy parks it where he wants...

Sometimes @BaBaBouy saves me a spot...

Sometimes there is a Event I get invited to attend, places me in remote washes :gossip:  ...

On a rare occasion when all the other variables are not part of the equation, I get to choose my favorite place...

Coordinates are where "IDGAF" and "I Wanna drink my Beer" join up, because it's all Glamis anyways.

Depends on where and what kind of weekend.

Pads and busy....  take what you can get.

Pads and calm weekend, front facing north.

Roadrunner, take what you can get.

Anywhere else, add to the circle and pull up behind a buddy that is there.

I love when people get stuck and swing open their door and say "camping here for the night"!
That’s me and the fam!!! My jerk off group always puts me in the deep chit. No biggee I plow on in and pop the slides. Lol. 

I prefer nose to the west but anywhere firm is good for me. 

