Democrats Register as Republicans to Combat Far Right


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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This is a thing. I keep seeing it spoken all around Twitter and in comments on news articles.... We keep hearing about record numbers of Republican signing up to vote, we may be having the wool pulled over our eyes. 

It's clear to me that Democrats are going to do all they can to meddle with the voting. I don't think this country can take another voting fiasco like last time.

Open SmartNews and read "Some Idaho Democrats Register as Republicans to Combat Far Right" here:

To read it on the web, tap here:

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"Some new Idaho residents from California register as Republican."

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That’s legal and a smart tactic. Republicans could do the same and it would throw the far left completely off. The party line politic crap at least on the right is dying and it should. I myself have morphed more into a libertarian than a Republican. I typically vote Republican but I don’t follow the line anymore. I don’t support going to war under most circumstances. We have sent our kids to die in crappy countries over our national interests aka money for far to long now. If you are sitting there thinking we should be involved in Ukraine right now because some talking head George Bush clown told you so, you might be part of the problem. I voted for Trump and would again. He is not a Republican, he is a populist. He supports law and order. He supports Gay marriage. He supports the the first and second amendment. He supported the second chance act. Most of all he was anti war but, our enemies knew that if they attacked us he would strike very hard and very fast. On the flip side Joe Biden has been so incompetent that he is going to more than likely hand both houses back to Republicans. The Bush Republican Party is dying and it needs too. We have a great opportunity to make the Republican Party into the party that actually stands for our citizens and for the constitution. Rant over 

Sadly, this is legal and Republicans could do it too.

Out of all those "eligible" to vote, not all do.  The number is getting higher because "Resist Trump!"  The only way to fight this is get out and vote and...KNOW WHAT YOU ARE VOTING FOR!!!

I haven't supported voting as a right for a long time.  People don't take the time to understand who or what they are voting for.  You should have to take a test to make yourself eligible to vote at least every 4 years.  If you don't take the test, you can't vote.  Period.  

It really depends on the state

  Some states allow cross party voting in the primary some do not.  I've thought about doing it for some time now, but one person will not make a difference.    Thousands will... 

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 You should have to take a test to make yourself eligible to vote at least every 4 years.  If you don't take the test, you can't vote.  Period.  
That sounds racist. I kid... but in reality who gets to decide if your smart enough to vote or not.  Sure as hell can't be the same people who we vote for.  They cant even get on the same side for a decision as is. Let everyone vote. 

Democrats are ruthless and are playing to win.....Repubs just sit back and take it.... don't want to "stoop to their level".....we get what we deserve.... Liberalism is a mental disorder...and should be treated as such.


There used to be an old saying:

Winner's never cheat and Cheaters never win.

Well...welcome to the Democratic party run by the law offices of:

Dewie, Cheatum and Howe


That sounds racist. I kid... but in reality who gets to decide if your smart enough to vote or not.  Sure as hell can't be the same people who we vote for.  They cant even get on the same side for a decision as is. Let everyone vote. 
My argument to that would be...go back to teaching government and civics in school... :lol:

Since it would be a Federally mandated class, then how can it be "racist" if all schools nationwide are required to teach it?  State and Federal governments send out voter guides.  People read it, take a test, get the ability to vote.

All this bullsh*t that voter ID is racist is absurd.  EVERYONE has access to get a Driver's license or State ID.  If you claim you are too stupid to get a birth certificate, Social Security card, etc... Then no, you should not be voting or have input to who gets to be the leader of the free world.  I f*cking hate that they say it's racist to require ID.  F*cking cop out.

Maybe black lives matter can use their money and organization to help these people instead of buying new million dollar homes and sh*t.

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My argument to that would be...go back to teaching government and civics in school... :lol:

Since it would be a Federally mandated class, then how can it be "racist" if all schools nationwide are required to teach it?  State and Federal governments send out voter guides.  People read it, take a test, get the ability to vote.

All this bullsh*t that voter ID is racist is absurd.  EVERYONE has access to get a Driver's license or State ID.  If you claim you are too stupid to get a birth certificate, Social Security card, etc... Then no, you should not be voting or have input to who gets to be the leader of the free world.  I f*cking hate that they say it's racist to require ID.  F*cking cop out.

Maybe black lives matter can use their money and organization to help these people instead of buying new million dollar homes and sh*t.
You will never see civics taught again, an informed population is a threat to the left.

I too am sick of the racist card, denigrating the very people they profess to support.

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My argument to that would be...go back to teaching government and civics in school... :lol:

Since it would be a Federally mandated class, then how can it be "racist" if all schools nationwide are required to teach it?  State and Federal governments send out voter guides.  People read it, take a test, get the ability to vote.

All this bullsh*t that voter ID is racist is absurd.  EVERYONE has access to get a Driver's license or State ID.  If you claim you are too stupid to get a birth certificate, Social Security card, etc... Then no, you should not be voting or have input to who gets to be the leader of the free world.  I f*cking hate that they say it's racist to require ID.  F*cking cop out.

Maybe black lives matter can use their money and organization to help these people instead of buying new million dollar homes and sh*t.
Couldn't agree more.

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  Some states allow cross party voting in the primary some do not. 
Exactly. In a primary where the (R) has a candidate who can unseat there incumbent (D) stack the primary with (D)'s registered as (R)'s  and make it so the (R)'s no longer have a winnable candidate.     

Anyone else losing faith in humanity? This political nonsense has my head reeling and I'm having a hard time keeping it together... no matter how much the good side pushes, the bad side pushes harder and we're losing ground. My only comfort is knowing that roughly 30% of our population is ready to throw down.
