DEF Tank go bad?


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
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Anyone ever had a DEF tank go bad? Was driving home from Prescott, 100 miles into my 380 mile drive I get the dash warning to "Service DEF system, 65mph max in 99 miles" 

Great, got 280 to go. Had a couple of other codes/check engine light too. 

Felt some hesitation going up hill and decided to stop at Chiricaco Summit and called a tow truck. Had the wife and dogs with me, if I was alone I may have kept driving but didn't want to be on the side of the road with them if the truck stopped running for whatever reason. 

Got it home and to the shop with 3 miles to go before the limp mode would have kicked in.

Shop said the tank was bad (63k miles on my 2013 Duramax) along with a heating element and sensor that is only sold as a complete unit to the tune of $850.

Got it home and now have to put some miles on it to be sure the other codes are clear for good.

Had that happen on my 2011, but luckily it was under warranty. After my warranty expired, my emission systems mysteriously disappeared and never have to deal with that again.

We had this happen to us on a trip to Oregon stoped at Dolan Dodge in Reno and they had us on the road in 24 hours, DEF sucks!

It's not the tank, it's the components in the tank.  But, as you know know, you get to replace it as an assembly.

just replaced mine on a 2013 Silverado.  Only the check engine light came on though.  i didn't put many miles on it after the check engine light came on though.  

My personal 2015 has had multiple DEF tank problems. Bad tank heater, bad sensor, bad injector. My buddy has 3 2015's as service trucks and 2 of them had all the same issues. I hate DEF!

I thought it had a lifetime warranty kind of thing at the dealer.  Happened once on my truck which was out of warranty but the dealer still replaced for free. 

I thought it had a lifetime warranty kind of thing at the dealer.  Happened once on my truck which was out of warranty but the dealer still replaced for free. 
Where were you a week ago! :lol:  

I thought it had a lifetime warranty kind of thing at the dealer.  Happened once on my truck which was out of warranty but the dealer still replaced for free. 
If I'm not mistaken the dealership will warranty DEF issues up to a certain mileage. I don't recall what that mileage was though.

Many emissions components, like catalytic convertors, have a 7yr/100k mile warranty.  Not "lifetime".  The only "lifetime" warranty items that I ever dealt with while at the dealer was seat belt components.
