deep creek

Went there all the time back in 80's. We usually rode over from Honda Valley. 

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Started going in the late 80's, it was a blast. Now I live in Honda Valley. Usually just cut across and head up toward Big Bear. It's been shut down for years, The locals will start going and when it gets crowded they usually just tell everyone to leave. If it's not busy will stop on the way back threw and hang out for a while. 

Honda Valley and Deep Creek.....that's were we started and learned as kids. Bummer it was pretty much closed when I was a teenager that could drive myself and buddies out....we had to go to White Water to ride, drink and party....LOL

...then that got closed :effu: too...

There and Windy Point. The undeveloped area of Canyon Lake. Lots of fun back then.

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There and Windy Point. The undeveloped area of Canyon Lake. Lots of fun back then.
There where some awesome tracks and jumps behind Canyon Lake back in the late 80's. We used to run into a few Pro MXers pretty often too. 

I go thru the wash often to get to the access to head up in the mountains. I havent been down too the water in Years as it gets to be a chit show down there. I went thru Honda Valley two weeks ago on my way to the Joshua Inn Bar and couldnt believe the TRASH
