Daylight Savings time in Kalipornia

My mornings are pretty chill at my age, however, my momentum is still going strong into the evening so I’m definitely in favor of keeping the daylight later. Can’t believe this state doesn’t abide by the will of the voters. On many issues.

IMO, the problem was in the way that they approached it (& that they did not do their homework ahead of time to figure out that everyone was split down the middle). 

Personally, I like it.  it allows me to use the sunlight as much as I can.  Yea I have to change my clocks 2 times a year, but after the first 30 years of that.............. you get it figured out.  LOL. 

So in Arizona we don't change, but states around us will. That means other then changing clocks everything else changes.

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Dip$hit politicians can't figure out that 60% voted for the time NOT to be set back! 'umm, which way do the citizens want it?' Bull$hit! 

Why can't they figure it out? Idiots!!! 

Dip$hit politicians can't figure out that 60% voted for the time NOT to be set back! 'umm, which way do the citizens want it?' Bull$hit! 

Why can't they figure it out? Idiots!!! 
Technically true  but I'm guessing guessing what they really voted for was to not have to change their clocks.   Now they are finding out that half of the folks want one thing and half of the folks want another.  

Like everything else left to the politicians in CA, it's Effed.  Unfortunately I don't see a path back for CA, until the whole thing burns to the ground.  I sincerely hope I'm wrong, it's a beautiful amazing State, with the best weather on the globe.  Libs/Dems have ruined it, and the population are too blind, or too busy lying to themselves to admit it. 

The measure never should have left it to the legislature to figure out how to implement the change.  What's to figure out?  "We don't do that weird thing where we pretend we control time anymore, so we just leave clocks alone... cool?  Yup?  Okay."  But these Effs can't even begin to get a handle on things like the homeless junkie encampment problem or super-fires... I doubt they're interested in working on this issue even if 60% of voters want it to be so.  

The families that run CA are as corrupt and inbred as it gets.  They don't give half a damn what the actual decent, working folks in CA want.  They just want to pump in more illegals and produce more junkie camps that they can vote-harvest from. 


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I always crack up every 6 months when this topic comes doesn't affect my life at all with the time change.

Question for all you super smart people, removing daylight time change would mean we would go permanently to winter schedule, correct?

i remember back a while ago that even though it was voted on by the state it sill has to go through something in congress. and that is the hold up. i think there were other states that were also waiting as well. 

read some stuff since making this comment. staying on daylight savings time requires congress approval. CA can by pass this approval by being day light savings time exempt meaning we would always be on winter time. 

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Like everything else left to the politicians in CA, it's Effed.  Unfortunately I don't see a path back for CA, until the whole thing burns to the ground.  I sincerely hope I'm wrong, it's a beautiful amazing State, with the best weather on the globe.  Libs/Dems have ruined it, and the population are too blind, or too busy lying to themselves to admit it. 

The measure never should have left it to the legislature to figure out how to implement the change.  What's to figure out?  "We don't do that weird thing where we pretend we control time anymore, so we just leave clocks alone... cool?  Yup?  Okay."  But these Effs can't even begin to get a handle on things like the homeless junkie encampment problem or super-fires... I doubt they're interested in working on this issue even if 60% of voters want it to be so.  

The families that run CA are as corrupt and inbred as it gets.  They don't give half a damn what the actual decent, working folks in CA want.  They just want to pump in more illegals and produce more junkie camps that they can vote-harvest from. 

Uh, excuse me, but Bagram, Afghanistan in the winter, and Doha in the summer beg to differ sir. 

I always crack up every 6 months when this topic comes doesn't affect my life at all with the time change.

Question for all you super smart people, removing daylight time change would mean we would go permanently to winter schedule, correct?
that is the argument, which one gets picked.  1/2 of the folks are going to be pissed.

AZ is on the equivalent of standard time year round.  I wish it were daylight time, but I guess people want less daylight late in the summer when it is hot.  I don't really care being retired.  I can pretend it is whatever damn time I want it to be.  Now get off my (artificial) lawn.
