Covid Price up

4 red roses and some red and white carnations, $69.95

Let's go to the garden center and buy plants that we can enjoy all year.

My materials cost (stainless and alumn) have more than doubled in the last year. People still want to pay chinese prices FJB

I just talk to a buddy of mine who works at a supermarket, he said prices are about to go up big time at all the major supermarkets. He explained it as the supermarket purchased their food basically a year out and we are now coming around on that year of inflation the supermarket has been able to keep the prices somewhat low but now they’re taking a hit so we are going to take the hit so hold on next month.   

Looking at buying the wife a new Yukon and market is bonkers. Dealer added markup is insane on some. 

Looking at buying the wife a new Yukon and market is bonkers. Dealer added markup is insane on some. 

My friend just bought a 2018 Porsche GT3 which had an MRSP of $165K for . . $215K.  BMW gave him a $10K check to break his lease a year early on his M5 and his car was sold before he even brought it in.  Strange times we live in . . .

Funny I was looking at new trucks for yah yah's when my wife's car was getting an oil change...

For fun, I asked what they would give me for my truck...they said $48K maybe $50K... :kenk:

On the lot they had a model year older then mine, lower trim specs for $68K. 

I was like...uh no.

Plus all the new ones had markup of 5-10 above MSRP. unreal and they can't keep inventory.

I ended up ordering one from a dealer that had one in transit. Dealer markup was not horrible at 5K. Crazy is the used ones are going for more than the new ones. Crazy times for sure!

This market for vehicles reminds me of the housing fiasco in '08 - '09. I would not be surprised to see the auto market crash like the housing market did back then. Too many people are buying at inflated prices on credit and when the market adjust back to normal, and I think it will eventually, there are going to be a chit ton of folks that are totally upside down in their vehicles. 

No way the market can sustain this scenario where cars actually increase or hold their value over time. It's a depreciating asset under normal circumstances.

But I may be wrong? 

You dudes have NO idea.. semiconductors.. my business.. lots of inventory.. I'm making more $$ than GOD.. it's CRAZY.. 

... gonna save it... I'd like a G52 Funco or maybe a Lambo,.. but probably just retire earlier.. maybe 2-3 years.. at 52.



If Russia invades Ukraine, things are going to get much worse.  For the most part I don't see anything getting cheaper in the next 2-3 years.

Realize:  things aren't getting more expensive.  Your money is becoming less valuable.

But at least the president doesn't tweet mean....

You dudes have NO idea.. semiconductors.. my business.. lots of inventory.. I'm making more $$ than GOD.. it's CRAZY.. 

... gonna save it... I'd like a G52 Funco or maybe a Lambo,.. but probably just retire earlier.. maybe 2-3 years.. at 52.


Bringing Semi-Automatics doesn't add inches to your Johnson
