Could use some prayers and positive thoughts for a fellow off-roader


Active member
May 5, 2021
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One of my fishing buddy's that is also bigtime into off-road racing (BSB Offroad) was in a bad accident on his way to work last Monday morning. He is still in a medically induced coma as they try to get him to breath on his own and get the brain swelling down some. We are all really hoping for the best possible outcome and it really does look like he could make it out of this. He was supposed to be married at the end of this month and him and his fiancé bought their house just a few months ago. He has a son as well.

I am not a big fan of go fund me's but now that it has hit a little closer to home, with one of my core group of guys that I fish with I feel compelled to share it. It already met the goal of $30,000 but I think we all know that in the real world that's not going to get them very far with the road they have matter the outcome. If anybody can see it possible to just give $10 every bit will help. Here's the link. I appreciate anything, whether it's prayers for the family or a donation. He is 100% the kind of guy that would step up if he was on this side.

Praying for your friend Drew and his family. Hoping that God's grace heals him for a long life yet to live.

Praying for your friend Drew and his family. Hoping that God's grace heals him for a long life yet to live.
Thanks Scott. They are working to get him off the oxygen to breathe on his own. Still in a coma.
