Corn on the cob


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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Last one from the race track....

When your @ the gas station filling up before you head out of town,

throw your corn on the cob into the bottom of the cooler

liberally sprinkle each of the cobs with salt (dont worry about it falling to the bottom)

Fill up the cooler with ice so that its 2" above the top of the corn.

Leave it sit for a day or two so that the ice melts & the corn is all the way down in the cold salted ice water.  if the corn becomes exposed, put more ice on top of it (or beer)

throw the corn & the husk onto the fire & cook it until it has boiled all of the water out of the cobs.  you will know its done when the husks start to turn black because there is no more water in them to prevent them from burning. 

I have no idea.  I can burn meat and am purty good at drinking beer.  That is the limit of my expertise.   Oh and manged to be capable at grinding a clutch and setting it up.  

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I soak mine in water while prep'n everything else.  Throw corn on first, husk intact, trim the fuzz.  Let it go a few minutes then pour some beer down the throat and turn. Depending on the meat(burgers and dogs), once the corn hits the third side, meat goes on.

Salt N pepa, and butter once husked.

I love grilled corn, I’m pretty lazy about it now though. Medium heat on the coal, turn every 2-5 min once it browns/black the leaves until the whole thing is uniform color. No prep. Open and just butter and creole seasoning. 
I’ll have to try the brine method some time. Not sure I’ve done that. 

We camp with some people that make "camp corn". They take a large cooler and line the bottom with corn that has been husked. They cover with boiling water, sprinkle some sugar in there and then close the lid. Let it sit for an hour or so and you got some perfectly cooked corn. I have not personally made it this way but I have eaten it many times and it is always delicious. 

If you want a perfectly cooked Ear of Corn fast just do this. Take Ear of Corn with husk on, wrap a damp paper towel around it, put in micro. 4 minutes for each ear, take out of Micro and cut stock end off, grab a hold of the other end and squeeze out, butter and salt and your ready to eat. You don't get that BBQ flavor but it's quick and easy.

I soak mine in water while prep'n everything else.  Throw corn on first, husk intact, trim the fuzz.  Let it go a few minutes then pour some beer down the throat and turn. Depending on the meat(burgers and dogs), once the corn hits the third side, meat goes on.

Salt N pepa, and butter once husked.
Try soaking it in beer over night. Cut both ends, into a ziplock, pour in beer. Let it sit. Take it out and go directly on the grill, in the husk. 

You can add spices for the overnight if you want. 


For me, put nude corn in a pot, bring it to a boil, and then turn the burner off and wait for it to cool a bit....10-20 minutes.  They will still be hot when you take the pot off.

Or, leave it clothed, wrap in foil, put in a put of water for 30 minutes, or more....sometimes in the sink.  Then put then in coals/fire for 30 minutes.

OR, leave it clothed, put it in water (like above), Then put them on the grill until the husks start to burn off....not sure the time, but 20-30 minutes

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