Christmas Carols Yay or Nay?

NYET. The only Christmas music I can tolerate is Trans Siberian Orchestra. And that’s only because they’re such exceptional musicians. Maybe a note or two of Gary Hoey if I have to, but I really don’t care for the music of the season.

We have dish and listen to Christmas music the day after Thanksgiving, inside and outside of the home and usually in the vehicles (unless I'm listening to Fox)

I love "any" Christmas music, love the season, Love  Jesus Christ, God bless you all!

NYET. The only Christmas music I can tolerate is Trans Siberian Orchestra. And that’s only because they’re such exceptional musicians. Maybe a note or two of Gary Hoey if I have to, but I really don’t care for the music of the season.

I worked in retail for forty years and Christmas caroles would start playing before Thanksgiving. So five weeks of Christmas carols 8 to 10 hours a day would become almost intolerable. The canned music thats played in store's  gets repeated over and over, sometimes 3 times a day. Most of the songs I could get through but one song would drive me insane.

Barbara Streisand sings jingle bells in double time!  Its sounds like she has been shovling snow,  :crazyeyes:  makes me want to pick up a nail gun and shoot a 16 penny nail in my brain.



I hate christmas.  Hate, hate, hate it!

Warmed my heart when Salvation Army stepped in a bucket of sht by supporting BLM and suggesting white people apologize for their whiteness.  My hopes were those annoying fcks wouldn't be in front of any stores this year...

I can usually do without the secular Christmas Carols (music) that starts immediately after Thanksgiving but proper Christmas Hymns definitely have their place.  Random Christmas Carolers going from house to house / business to business can also be rad depending on song selection. 

Best Christmas albums of all time:  Elvis and the Jackson 5 . . .

Not a huge fan, but I can tolerate it for a while.  My wife likes them, and she puts up with my musical tastes....  

Iheart Xmas plays all Xmas week in our house- and yes we change all the words on every Xmas song   - some quite obnoxious, some X rated, all way better than Mariah Carey 😄

It gives you a different perspective on the whole Xmas song thing without ruining the Holiday spirit

Twas the night before Christmas

and all through the house

everyone felt shitty

even the mouse.

With mom at the W-H*re house

and dad smokin grass

I settled down

for a nice piece of ass

when out on the lawn

arose such a clatter

I sprang from my piece

to see what was the matter

and out on the lawn

I seen some big pee pee

and I knew in a moment

it must be St.Nick

he flew down my chimney like a bat out of hell

and i knew in a moment

the effer had fell

He filled all our stocking with pretzels and beer

and a big rubber pee pee

for my brother, the queer.

then he rose up the chimney with a thunderous fart

the son of a bitch blew my chimney apart

He swore and he cursed

as he rode out of sight.

piss on you all

and have a hell of a night.



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