Christian Craig


New member
Apr 2, 2022
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What is everyones opinions on Christian Craig rumored to make his 450 jump with the Rockstar Energy Husqvarna team? Not a lot of seats in the 450 class especially with Cooper and Nichols moving up to the 450's as well this upcoming year. Would he fare well with Malcolm Stewart and that team or would he flop in 450 class?


I think there’s going to be a ton of movement with teams having to decide to run with 3 or 4 guys in order to keep them. Craig doesn’t have a whole lot of options with Yamaha if Ferrandis and Tomac stay. Husky has an open spot with Deano apparently hanging it up. We will see. 

Off topic from Christian but everybody in the 450 class better look out when Jett Lawrence moves up. That kid is destined to to big things!

I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to see Roczen hang it up after this sabbatical. If so, that would leave a big void in team HRC. Could Craig go back to Honda in the 450’s?

Off topic from Christian but everybody in the 450 class better look out when Jett Lawrence moves up. That kid is destined to to big things!
Agree, but every person who goes from the 250 to 450 struggles for at least a year sometimes two before they have top speed even RC struggled at first.

I'll believe Christian is going to 450's when I see him at the gate of A1.     He was adamant that he was retiring this year.    

I think he will do ok over there, but really thought and was really hoping Star would have figured something out. Thought Dylan may have been leaving, but he IS the 450 outdoor champ. Curious if they will keep up with the four or five or twenty 250 riders that they have currently. Bummer how most of them are not riding though. 

Doesnt sound like they could dig deep enough into the budget to keep him - I think Rockstar will be ok, but would rather see him stay. Cant wait to see how he does this summer. If he podiums I will be surprised but if hes top five I wont be shocked....

I think CC stays in 250.  I think he knows he can't compete in 450 but with his consistency can stay relevant in 250 and probably squeak out another title if Jett leaves.  If he moves to 450, he will just be another mid pack guy.  His kids are young so he might try to move up for the $$$.  Will probably have the same fate Cooper Webb has had this year with a new team/bike.

I believe he has raced 450 in the outdoors.   He will do okay.  450 class is stacked with talent. 

He might point out this year so it's either retire or hit the 450's.

He'd be a great teammate to Tomac, but who knows?

Jett is going to stay in 250's another year, no reason to move up to the 450 class, he needs to get stronger.  Moving up means struggles and possible injuries.  Not too many peeps race the 450's as a teenager.

Rockstar currently only has one top rider right now, they need to find another one.  There have been rumors that Rockstar could pull out of Supercross altogether, they have pretty much pulled out of all other racing platforms already.   
