Cheff Vs WLD_OTZ

Caught in the middle

In the heat of the night,

when you know it aint right

Cause right now
Everything is new to me

Everything I do, 

I do it for you

You're a rainbow in the dark. Peace

Now get in the pit and try to love someone

Don't tell me no tell me Yeah Yeah Yeah

Ain't going down til the sun comes up. Peace

Take the rental car to the liquor store

Don't tell me you love me, cuz I don't want to know.. 

You gotta believe in someone
Asking me who is right
Asking me who to follow
Don't ask me, I don't know

They call me Doctor Love, they call me the Doctor of love. Peace

Doctor, doctor, please
Oh, the mess I'm in

Mind the empty bottle with the holes along the bottom
You see it's too much to ask for and I am not the doctor

It's just the good ol' boy in me
I got my friends, I got the recipe
For one hell of a life

This is my last time in the unemployment line, so like it or not. Peace
