Charlynn power steering issue

May 11, 2021
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I don’t even know where to begin with this, we’re out at idaho dunes rv for the week and my power steering just quit working, if you know charlynns you know how hard it is to turn when the car is off, it feels almost as hard to turn at that. Fluid level is good, no leaks, not sure how f I should be starting with the pump or the charlynn deal? Really don’t want to have to drive the rzr the rest of the week 🤣 so what are some things I can check? Any help is appreciated!! 

Seems the pump has failed, loosened the feed line with the car running and it’s not moving any fluid or building pressure. Hopefully kartek can overnight me a pump in the morning 

I have not seen to many char fail, most of the time it is the pump fail, or the pressure relief in the pump gets worn out or clogged, 

I fought mine for days in the dunes- put a new pump in, new generator, flushed the lines, and still wouldn’t work. Brought it to Joefab and he pulled out the FOAM that was in my reservoir and it works like brand new now. The foam restricts the flow to the pump 

I had car that became hard to steer with the charlyn. I replaced the pump and still had the same issue. It ended up being a bad Howe rack. 

My friends extreme steering locked  and ended up being the rack was loaded with sand and locked up. We took it apart and cleaned it. Lack of maintenance 

Thanks for all the responses! We ended up spending the day in Yellowstone so I wasn’t able to get on here. New pump should be here tomorrow so I’ll see how it goes and I’ll check the rack as well! Checked for foam in the reservoir and there’s none in there. 

what is the weather like in Yellowstone, thinking about going on Tuesday 

I don't think a power steering pump makes any significant pressure when there is no load on it (when the steering wheel is not being turned).  

I don't think a power steering pump makes any significant pressure when there is no load on it (when the steering wheel is not being turned).  
The pump has a pressure relief, like a oil pump in a motor,  then has paddle veins inside that move the fluid,  the relief has a screen on top, 

if the screen gets clogged over time it will stop moving fluid,  or if the paddles start to pit against the (gearator) on the side wall, it will cavitate, or the pressure relief gets stuck and will make flow, but no pressure to move the steering unit,  


after spending a day at Yellowstone, then the following morning we went to Jackson hole and it was raining when we got back, I pulled the cover off the car when the rain stopped and fired it up to turn it around so I could take the rack apart and clean all the sand and old grease out, the power steering was working fine when I fired it up, so in cleaned out the rack and packed new grease and it was working fine the rest of the trip. Not sure if maybe some sand was causing it to bind, although there wasn’t much in there, or if there’s something else going on. Thinking I’ll replace the seals in then charlynn generator thing and check the screen in the pump and see if I find anything.

I didn’t care for the charlynn in my SCU. I ditched it for an eps unit. Sold the charlynn for the same price to a buddy and never looked back. 
This is another option, this is the first issue the charlynn setup has given me in 5 years of owning the car though so may not be worth it. 
