Can I brag on my son for a minute??


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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Thursday evening he turned in his last assignment for his college career at SDSU.  And with thw click of a mouse this period of his life is over. 

Before the whole mess of his friends got spread to the wind, we threw together a shindig down at the beach where we celebrate his birthday every year. 

The first picture are all of the kids that were important in his life in HS and college,  the next are his family that came to hang with him before he moves. He is sitting in the chair.




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Thats so awesome! Hopefully he applies his education to good use! Peace

Awesome, congrats Bobalos! Sucks that our kids are hitting these milestones under the fog of covid and shutdowns but having that party for him and his friends is super cool :cheers:  Good luck to the young man in all his future endeavors.

Congrats, awesome that he graduated and was able to have a party with friends and family!

Congrats to your son and you the parents, that is so awesome and you have ever right to brag on this milestone accomplishment. I wish him the best in his new life adventures where ever that my lead him.  

thanks folks.  My wife & I are SUPER proud of this kid.  He has overcome a lot with his dyslexia & has turned into one hell of a nice young man.  Hard work & Passion have paid off for him.  And he's no quitter, hes SO motivated to go out into the world & kick some ass.  He knows that this is not the end, this is the next beginning.  He is continues to look for the new beginnings.  He surprises me sometimes.

Congrats ... You should brag big achievement  - If you did not brag I would be worried you did not care!

Wow! What a day!!

My oldest is 15, his younger brother younger 10, and we are saving for their education.  I could buy another house for that that will cost. 

This is awesome, Congratulations! The results of great parenting and a great kid with goals and the drive to achieve.

Congratulations, getting an education is a huge commitment.  Be proud............................My middle son child finishes off at CSU Fullerton this week.  Two down with degrees, and the third just finished her Freshman year at Long Beach.
