California State Primary


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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Let's try to not to make this post "I hate California" topic, but the California Primary ballots are out and it is super important to pay attention.  There is a senate seat up for grabs and remember this person will have enough influence to change our lives and desert.  Remember how long Feinstein was in that office, she single handily closed millions of acres of desert.  There are 4 people running for this seat, only two will make the November ballot.  Only 1 republican (Steve Garvey), and three democrats.   Adam Schiff the lead vote getter currently is a slime ball.  If anything, don't vote for this tool, he will bury California even more if he gets elected.

Vote people!!!!

Remember Adam Shiffy Schiff pushed the whole Russia collusion agenda to the very end, and he acts like he slayed Trump in his commercials when he lied the whole time.  

I seem to vote for new people just because of the old swamp people and their crooked ways.  

Porter and Shiffy can only say 1 bad thing about Garvey, "He voted for trump, twice".  Not much of a counter point.  

Durning the debates Garvey was able to get some truthful statements out about Porter and Shiffy.  

Also, Garvey hung out with Pete Rose!! (don’t get me started on the Pete Rose hall of fame thing)


I really wish there was a chance that anyone but Schifty could win........  even that Beech behind him would not suck as much.

I'm voting for the lady that wants the $50/hr minimum wage.... so I can quit and get a minimum wage job making more money.... come on people gotta think ahead... $50/hr for throwing carts at people at walmart.
LOL.  If only it were so simple. :biggrin:

It's not the candidates, it's the ignorant electorate that is the problem. And that's not just in CA. I actually believe our electorate here in the Republic of Antifa are even more ignorant than those south of us. Measure 110 (decriminalizing of illegal drugs) is a prime example. The voters realized that the measure increased overdoses and failed to deal with addiction problem (made it worse,DUH!) and the leftist here figured out a way to repeal the law while raising taxes again (initial measure allowed new taxes to implement) to support the repeal that does NOTHING to change the initial measure! Effing insanity with voter support!

I effing hate the commercials, Especially Schiffs....

"Garvey is too Republican and Concervative for CA!" Voting DEMONCRAP has gotten CA in the shape it is! It is way too Liberal and completely EFFED UP!

I effing HATE it...I have to turn the channel.

I'm voting IN PERSON for Garvey!

Eff Porter Eff SCHIFF!

But one of them has already been selected as winner...its the Democrat way (CHEAT) and blame everyone else that the wrong you are doing is what others are doing!



I'm sure I"m not the only one...

But I'm having trouble even bothering to vote.  The hopelessness of it is palpable.  

I effing hate the commercials, Especially Schiffs....

"Garvey is too Republican and Concervative for CA!" Voting DEMONCRAP has gotten CA in the shape it is! It is way too Liberal and completely EFFED UP!

I effing HATE it...I have to turn the channel.

I'm voting IN PERSON for Garvey!

Eff Porter Eff SCHIFF!

But one of them has already been selected as winner...its the Democrat way (CHEAT) and blame everyone else that the wrong you are doing is what others are doing!


Don't forget, he voted for Trump, twice.

They know they cant hammer him too much lol

It's not the candidates, it's the ignorant electorate that is the problem. And that's not just in CA. I actually believe our electorate here in the Republic of Antifa are even more ignorant than those south of us. Measure 110 (decriminalizing of illegal drugs) is a prime example. The voters realized that the measure increased overdoses and failed to deal with addiction problem (made it worse,DUH!) and the leftist here figured out a way to repeal the law while raising taxes again (initial measure allowed new taxes to implement) to support the repeal that does NOTHING to change the initial measure! Effing insanity with voter support!
No, legalizing drugs is perfect.  Let these people keep using, OD and the problem takes care of itself.  But...anyone with half a brain knew this was a bad idea but hey, keep Portland weird right?

Let's try to not to make this post "I hate California" topic, but the California Primary ballots are out and it is super important to pay attention.  There is a senate seat up for grabs and remember this person will have enough influence to change our lives and desert.  Remember how long Feinstein was in that office, she single handily closed millions of acres of desert.  There are 4 people running for this seat, only two will make the November ballot.  Only 1 republican (Steve Garvey), and three democrats.   Adam Schiff the lead vote getter currently is a slime ball.  If anything, don't vote for this tool, he will bury California even more if he gets elected.

Vote people!!!!
Garvey has my vote 👍


The BS add I just received in the mail. Look at the lower right hand corner. That’s what the Dem’s are going with. Effin Idiots!! 👎

The state could use a sheet ton of "conservative" 'bout now.  Even time you turn the news on the deficit gets larger by 3 to 6 billion.... 

And yea.... if that is the worst thing they could say, there is a snowballs chance in Phoenix, he might win.  

Garvey all the way !. One can only hope the ignorant CA Dem voters will realize what a heaping bunch of crap they've been tricked to vote for in the past. Shifty ? What a pathetic lying piece of work. 

Garvey all the way !. One can only hope the ignorant CA Dem voters will realize what a heaping bunch of crap they've been tricked to vote for in the past. Shifty ? What a pathetic lying piece of work. 
He's one of the biggest anti-Trumpers and tried to get him locked up. California voters love him. I know I don't have to tell you that, but that's the reality.

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I effing hate the commercials, Especially Schiffs....

"Garvey is too Republican and Concervative for CA!" Voting DEMONCRAP has gotten CA in the shape it is! It is way too Liberal and completely EFFED UP!

I effing HATE it...I have to turn the channel.
What's funny about that commercial is it's actually a GREAT commercial FOR Steve Garvey, Ha!

and who the heck changes channels anymore, it's all streaming content right...... who even uses cable tv service now a days
