California offers $100 million to rescue its struggling legal marijuana industry

I think that’s just more proof that legalization isn’t the answer to everyone’s problems. New Mexico just passed legalization and everyone thinks it’s just gonna start raining money. We can’t even get it to rain water. 

I think that’s just more proof that legalization isn’t the answer to everyone’s problems. New Mexico just passed legalization and everyone thinks it’s just gonna start raining money. We can’t even get it to rain water. 
Because they over regulated and over taxed it...just like what CA does to everything they get their hands on.

Colorado doesn't regulate much, and doesn't over tax it and they make profits.

Went to a dispensary before my trip and it just been shut down (they ALL seem to get shut down), some dude was passing out fliers for delivery (likely not the same outfit) and it worked fine…. Came to my house, paid cash. 

I HIGHLY doubt it was legal.


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Because they over regulated and over taxed it...just like what CA does to everything they get their hands on.

Colorado doesn't regulate much, and doesn't over tax it and they make profits.
That’s the only motivation for a state to legalize. They think of it as another way to get into people’s pockets 

My sister lives in Denver. What’s happening there is maybe due to lower taxes and less regulation on it is different but they’re pricing the middle class out of everything. The poor have now become poorer due to rising costs and many have now become homeless. The middle class is now where the poverty class was. So you’re either wealthy enough to pay the increases or you simply have nothing. Legalization literally solves zero problems but creates many. 

This surprises me!  I have friends in the legal cannabis industry and they're doing very well.  It seems the only thing that is struggling is the process (state regulations) and that's what needs to change.  Instead Cali just throws money at the problem. 

On the flip side...  maybe those businesses don't have their $h!t together and shouldn't be legalized.   

Until the the Feds make it legal, it will continue to be a cash business.  Cash businesses don't pay much in taxes.  The Feds need to legalize it so the banks can accept the money and it is insured through FIDC ( I could be off a bit on the details, but this is what my mom's uncle's cousin's grandmother told me)


I don’t smoke…anything.  Never have.

That said, I have friends that are subject matter experts and after extensive research it would cost ~$500k to get started in CA.

It’s not legal in TN but you bet your ass I’m jumping on the bandwagon if it ever is.

I don’t smoke…anything.  Never have.

That said, I have friends that are subject matter experts and after extensive research it would cost ~$500k to get started in CA.

It’s not legal in TN but you bet your ass I’m jumping on the bandwagon if it ever is.
You start taking Banjo lessons yet?


I dunno, my sister owns the Feed Barn on Newport Blvd in Costa Mesa, she's been approached a few times to lease her building to put in a dispensary. I guess they'll change the name to the WEED BARN 


How can selling WEED have issues? Peace
