CA Restricting Vintage Car Use


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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Daily Caller also points out how CARB issued a report back in 2019 suggesting the state should allow “local jurisdictions to create zero-emissions zones.” If that sounds a little too similar to the ULEZ zones that have taken over all of London’s boroughs in the UK, with plate readers fining people daily for violations, you’re not alone.

A lot of Assumptions in that article, but I did hear about that survey going out awhile back.

Most people I know tossed em in the trash. Not sure if that was a good idea, or not.

Time will tell I suppose.
That what i Love about the Governer of Nevada, Rep, and he owns the COPS Trophies truck and drives it,
Long Live Motorsports in Nevada. The BLM tried to mess with Nevada on the SCORE racing and got there pepee slapped.
A lot of Assumptions in that article, but I did hear about that survey going out awhile back.

Most people I know tossed em in the trash. Not sure if that was a good idea, or not.

Time will tell I suppose.
Probably should’ve said it was daily driven into the city. Lol
WHAT about this surprises ANY of you??? It shouldn't. We live in a F'd up state run by Idiots.... all those years of Voting for Dems has destroyed this state.... they don't care how far down we go, they have Govt jobs and will get paid.
Seen plenty of pics and videos of classic cars destroyed by the CA sucks.

Image via KPIX CBS News Bay Area/YouTube
This road to Net Zero we are on, when will people stand up and vote that shit in a different direction?
This road to Net Zero we are on, when will people stand up and vote that shit in a different direction?
How many things has our Governor acting on that we voted on? Not many, he does whatever he likes. We need to overturn all the lower level liberals that line up and support him.