CA Assault Weapons Ban Overturned

It'll be appealed and struck down before anybody has a chance to make any use of it and we'll (well not me) all be felons again.

Saw last night and posted to Crapbook.

Good step for us. Maybe even a quick window to make many things "legal".

In CA you have to have a sign in front of your house listing all firearms in the home.  Just to be safe. #itsforthekids. 

Yeah, right. Come on down and register your guns! Uh, no.
I think the point is (could be), nothing to register.

Just like the great California magazine turn-in of 2020.

It'll be appealed and struck down before anybody has a chance to make any use of it and we'll (well not me) all be felons again.
Yup magazine ban was ruled unconstitutional but appealed and now waiting where the ninth circus will reinstate it then will have to be appealed again to Supreme Court. 

Meanwhile you still can’t buy normal capacity mags in ca. Same will happen with this. 5 years on appeal then another 5 to Supreme Court if they decide to hear case
