Bye, bye Disney! What in the M****ingwhat?!!

Haven't paid attention to them in years.  Definitely won't now.

The tyranny of the alphabet people has no end.

So according to all this BS, Lando Calrissian and Deadpool are Pansexual?


It's a sad day to be a kid. But maybe all this will help see the pedophiles and sexual deviants coming at our kids, they won't be disguised as R&B Singers, Priests, Boy Scout Leaders, Olympic Gym Doctors, Disney TV Actors, Famous TV Fathers and King of Pop just to name a few...

or is the alphabet group going to exclude certain sexual orientations, not all are equal?


Star Trek Discovery did this.  At first, it had a prominent gay couple.  Whatever, story was still good and the characters had a plot and purpose outside of their bedroom.

Then they started parading out all of the initials to check boxes.  Spent more time exploring sexuality than space, so I checked out.

Piss on the mouse! I only take their money…fortunately my kids never cared for Disneyland. 

You can’t change the past. If you want to create new characters than so be it. It’s like the BLM. Taking down statues, changing the names on items, etc won’t change the past. If you want change, start with the now. On a side note, forcing change down everyone’s throat isn’t the way to go about it either!

So according to all this BS, Lando Calrissian and Deadpool are Pansexual?


It's a sad day to be a kid. But maybe all this will help see the pedophiles and sexual deviants coming at our kids, they won't be disguised as R&B Singers, Priests, Boy Scout Leaders, Olympic Gym Doctors, Disney TV Actors, Famous TV Fathers and King of Pop just to name a few...

or is the alphabet group going to exclude certain sexual orientations, not all are equal?

Hey Buddy, Deadpool got pegged, but he aint no pan, trans, queer, homo dude!!

It was the hot girl friend idea!!

Laughing but seriously....... :simrak:

Does the Woke not realize they are a JOKE????

When we were down in SoCal for, what I think will be that last NASCAR race at ACS.   We thought it'd be fun to do a couple days at Disneyland.  HOLY CRAP it's changed in two years.  We were staying at the Grand Californian the day they closed, March 13, 2020.   First off killing the annual pass was dumb. We'd buy stuff with the discounts offered. I won't buy a $35 ball cap with a tiny mickymouse logo.  I won't buy a long sleeve teeshirt for $75.  Forget the cost of an entry ticket, and NOW you pay more for 'fast pass'.  Rules are now, if you start on one side you cant leave to the other side till after 1:00, and if you try ( or do it by mistake) you get the third degree trying to get back to your 'approved side'. "You may not be able to get back in, let me call my supervisor" WTF!  Disneyland isn't for families anymore.  The majority of the guests we saw are single adults between 21-30, no kids.  The new GIRLS styles, I think, are hilarious.  MOM JEANS that'r badly ripped to shreds in the front, so bad that if they sit, their knee falls through.  And expensive spandex outfits that'r really walking around nude with color.  I see no under garment lines...  :camel:

So instead of being happy, fun, and entertaining it was stressful, annoying and the guests are now the entertainment  :clown:  

And REALLY (he/him/ze/zim)'s BECAUSE SUDDENLY PRONOUNS MATTER, wearing princess dresses. Are you freeken kidding me!!

Use to be the 'happiest place on earth' it's now stressful, maddening to be there. 


We were AP's for last 15 years or so, went allot before even then.

Haven't been back since COIVD-19 shut the park down, haven't renewed for new Key Holder (AP) thing they got now...etc.

The park itself and Walt's concept behind it all is still great family fun. 

It's simply the people running things, social pandering and new policies that make us not very interested.

Crusty supports Disney.  Don't let him pull the wool over j00r eyes, mayne!  "Don't look at me, Lil Puppet."

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