BLM Ranger Cox

Adam G

May 6, 2021
Reaction score
Evidently the light which is supposed to illuminate my license plate is inoperable. Astute BLM Officer Cox happened to notice and contacted me on the wash road around wash 3. She stopped 2 others from my camp for equally mundane things and let us all go. No doubt they were simply pretext stops with the intention of looking for greater violations (DUI for example). 

She was described to me by my fellow campers as a knockout brunette who stood about 5’4” with a very sweet disposition; despite her federal law enforcement uniform.

When she stopped me, I wasn’t disappointed. She informed me she was from Oregon and down for the holiday event in glamis and was having fun and learning her way around. 

Im assuming others on here had contacts with Officer Cox and I welcome you to share them. As well as her phone number if you’ve got it! 😅

Evidently the light which is supposed to illuminate my license plate is inoperable. Astute BLM Officer Cox happened to notice and contacted me on the wash road around wash 3. She stopped 2 others from my camp for equally mundane things and let us all go. No doubt they were simply pretext stops with the intention of looking for greater violations (DUI for example). 

She was described to me by my fellow campers as a knockout brunette who stood about 5’4” with a very sweet disposition; despite her federal law enforcement uniform.

When she stopped me, I wasn’t disappointed. She informed me she was from Oregon and down for the holiday event in glamis and was having fun and learning her way around. 

Im assuming others on here had contacts with Officer Cox and I welcome you to share them. As well as her phone number if you’ve got it! 😅

She knows @Mac  

I pulled a friend off the drags after her belt broke on her CanAm, we were off to the side and she came by and ask if we were ok.  I was drinking an ICB, she told me it looked good, we laughed back and forth, she commented she was parched as well.  She was funny, light hearted, and breath of fresh air.....................and pretty hot.

Now the ginger dude that rolled into our camp on Thursday and handed out a ticket because my buddy's week pass didn't have the dates scratch out, he hadn't notice that the store didn't scratch them out.         $80 ticket

I pulled a friend off the drags after her belt broke on her CanAm, we were off to the side and she came by and ask if we were ok.  I was drinking an ICB, she told me it looked good, we laughed back and forth, she commented she was parched as well.  She was funny, light hearted, and breath of fresh air.....................and pretty hot.

Now the ginger dude that rolled into our camp on Thursday and handed out a ticket because my buddy's week pass didn't have the dates scratch out, he hadn't notice that the store didn't scratch them out.         $80 ticket
That guy's been a pee pee for years... he walks around the sand show like he owns it. He got denied at the gate for a wrong pass and we were laughing :lol:  

I pulled a friend off the drags after her belt broke on her CanAm, we were off to the side and she came by and ask if we were ok.  I was drinking an ICB, she told me it looked good, we laughed back and forth, she commented she was parched as well.  She was funny, light hearted, and breath of fresh air.....................and pretty hot.

Now the ginger dude that rolled into our camp on Thursday and handed out a ticket because my buddy's week pass didn't have the dates scratch out, he hadn't notice that the store didn't scratch them out.         $80 ticket
Ginger boy (tall skinny with the ginger pee pee duster) has been around for years and has always been an ahole. He once parked outside our camp every night for a whole weekend at plaster city and every time someone started a bike at night he came in hot and lights blazing, but was extremely disappointed that the person was never drunk or out of registration

Yeah, that Ranger has never been very nice during our interactions; three times.  Always seemed angry.  

Ginger boy (tall skinny with the ginger pee pee duster) has been around for years and has always been an ahole. 
The one soulless ginger I have dealt with had more the Napoleon complex going on.  Was not tall at all, but had the A-hole thing down to a science.  He is the reason when I see the BLM rolling towards my camp, I go into the trailer and shut the door. 

I pulled a friend off the drags after her belt broke on her CanAm, we were off to the side and she came by and ask if we were ok.  I was drinking an ICB, she told me it looked good, we laughed back and forth, she commented she was parched as well.  She was funny, light hearted, and breath of fresh air.....................and pretty hot.

Now the ginger dude that rolled into our camp on Thursday and handed out a ticket because my buddy's week pass didn't have the dates scratch out, he hadn't notice that the store didn't scratch them out.         $80 ticket
I've only ever had 2 interactions with LEOs out there and both were Mr Ginger. Dude is a tool. Last time was Compound days and he pulled me over by the store after I had left the dumpsters when they were still near the store. He came in all puffy chested saying I didn't have a pass. I pointed at my pass hanging from the rear view and mentioned since I wasn't camped on BLM land nor currently driving on BLM land, he was out of line. He said I went around from wash 1 and was bypassing the pass checkpoint. Told him to feel free to ask the two rigs behind me that had just followed me out of the Compound where I came from. He went back then returned about a minute later and said have a nice day. I've seen him on the 10 in Indio since then and he just glares at me when he passes me. Get over yourself dude :rolleyes:

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some folks just aint never gonna be happy. 

back to the topic @ hand.............  how about a PM with pics of said hot ranger???  LOL.

I really wish I had a chance to chat with her more and get a picture. But since there was an ICB in my passengers hand, I didn’t elect to continue the detention any longer than she had intended. 

I haven’t met Ginger Ranger, but he must be a local one with that many interactions in the same area. I would very much appreciate Officer Cox getting her transfer to the imperial valley!

As for the pass without dates scratched off…. I’ve had a weekend pass all season like that! Got it at my local NAPA. Only thing I’ve ever purchased from them that was a great deal!
