Billy Joe Armstrong... another moron celebrity who's opinion doesn't matter.


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May 28, 2021
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Front man for Greenday, Says he plans to renounce his citizenship.. Billie Joe Armstrong is done being an American Idiot. In the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade (and rollback of bodily autonomy), protest isn’t enough for the Green Day frontman—he says he’s ready to abandon the U.S. for good. I say fantastic, don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out.. And the faster the better.. I know there may be some on here who support abortion.. I for one do not.  It's a philisophic/rhetorical question.. But I would ask any one who supports it, if they'd still support it, if their mother had "aborted" them, instead of giving them the life they now have.. Every heartbeat deserves the chance to live, and live their best life.. 

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Front man for Greenday, Says he plans to renounce his citizenship.. Billie Joe Armstrong is done being an American Idiot. In the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade (and rollback of bodily autonomy), protest isn’t enough for the Green Day frontman—he says he’s ready to abandon the U.S. for good. I say fantastic, don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out.. And the faster the better.. I know there may be some on here who support abortion.. I for one do not.  It's a philisophic/rhetorical question.. But I would ask any one who supports it, if they'd still support it, if their mother had "aborted" them, instead of giving them the life they now have.. Every heartbeat deserves the chance to live, and live their best life.. 
I agree

Front man for Greenday, Says he plans to renounce his citizenship.. Billie Joe Armstrong is done being an American Idiot. In the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade (and rollback of bodily autonomy), protest isn’t enough for the Green Day frontman—he says he’s ready to abandon the U.S. for good. I say fantastic, don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out.. And the faster the better.. I know there may be some on here who support abortion.. I for one do not.  It's a philisophic/rhetorical question.. But I would ask any one who supports it, if they'd still support it, if their mother had "aborted" them, instead of giving them the life they now have.. Every heartbeat deserves the chance to live, and live their best life.. 
With the "there's an exception to every rule" card drawn, I agree with you. My exception would be the .02 cases in which it was detrimental to the health of either to carry the full term. My question for all the crazies out there is, if you are having an abortion and don't want to be pregnant then why didn't you just take an effing morning after pill :dunno:

All words no action...............leave this country, nobody is stopping these IDIOTS.

Take his passport, put him on a plane and say good luck.

Then when he applies for a work visa so he can tour, reply with request has been denied.

im still waiting for whoppi, Streisand, de Niro and Madonna to leave too, please!

im sure hysterectomy's and vasectomy's are cheaper and safer, why involve a life

this world is going crazy over zero accountability for their actions  

Im soooo tired of hearing the word "reproductive rights" and even pro choice as if its positive.  it should be called pro death movement!

Man I used to love Howard. He pushed the limits on free speach borderline porn peddler and now he’s some old fugging cuck. Go away Howard just crawl into a hole
I actually cancelled 3 Serius subscriptions because of him
