Biden may require military to get the vax but hasn't ...yet


Forum Moderator
May 1, 2021
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He's pushing it hard and all of his cronies are as well but he hasn't forced the military to get the vax yet... they jabbed us with god-knows-what before going overseas and most of the time it wasn't questioned but with this particular vax there is a lot of pushback. 40% of the entire USMC said they wouldn't get it.

I'm guessing the only reason that he hasn't made it mandatory for the military at this point is that the fallout has been weighed by the flags and advisors... and they've told him of the catastrophic impacts that forcing this vax would have with low morale and separations. 

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I think it has to be fda approved before it’s mandatory for troops. Not an emergency approval. Or you can bet he would have already. Already requires masks on all mil installations indoors and out. 
