Bet you cant flat flip your phone!! (physics trick)


New member
May 5, 2021
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Never knew this. I just tried and the phone rotates as it twists. A Russian guy was in outer space. Spun a wingnut off a bolt. Start watching at 0:55 and see what it does!!! 

At some point in the video he mentions a cell phone does the same thing. I tried and its true. That could win you free drinks in a bar!! Bet you cant flat flip your phone. Give you 5 tries. 

I'm pretty sure I've noticed this before when I've tossed a crescent wrench up in the air (acts like the tennis racket).  Never paid much attention to it other than when I had the rotation correct and I caught it. LOL

I discovered this at about six or seven years old with a hammer.  Remember thinking it was the coolest thing ever and showed it to all of my friends. We spent hours trying to undo it or somehow reverse the motion. Easily amused growing up poor!

Physics is just awesome!

I love stuff like this.


Flip my $$ Smart Phone? :deeznuts: ...I can try it with something less expensive/important.


Do it over a soft chair. I tried to input my own rotation to complete a flat flip. Hard part is i cant tell if you want to add some left spin or right spin. 

Is it impossible to overcome it with an exact opposite force? Just by luck you input the correct force to combat the rotation that is about to happen. 
