Best Roll Bar Mount 4 lighted whips


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2021
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Stock cage and I have tabs on my Mav R to mount 4' lighted whips. But I dont like the straight look and prefer a slight angle, so what brackets do you guys use for lighted whips that wont break while hauling the mail?
Tough one there. Seems all the strap clamp types loosen and the tiny stainless hardware wont stay tight in the aluminum blocks or the threads gall and bind when trying to tighten them. Guys in camp have had tough luck with most offerings.
i was running a day whip, one of the whips i bought from vendors with a full size flag. i bought a clamp off amazon for like $20. dont buy that one. the start of the ride the whip was straight up, by the end of the ride it was almost horizontal. the clamp would not stay put.