Bench Seat for a Gen3


New member
Jul 30, 2021
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I bought a nice Gen 3 this winter without back seat/bench seat.  Car looks like it is tabbed for a bench. 4 tabs behind the gas tank and only two up front and on the sides. Is there a particular seat maker that can make on that fits.  I bought two single PRP seats and was just going to cut of the front inside tab and mount 3 points but seat won't clear the frame.  My Gen 4 mounts seam to be mounted about 3" farther up front.  Any ideas?  Either I figure out a bench and sell the PRP's or have someone fab or re-tab for 2 rearSeat tabs.jpg seats. I saw a picture of the car with rear seats but don't know how they did it.

seat tabs 2.jpg

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The guy that bought my Gen 3 took out the bench and then installed buckets. He just made a rack to mount to the existing tabs on the car and then bolted the buckets to the rack. 

Kind of figured that is how this one will go unless someone has a removed bucket they want to get rid of. Then I would just have it recovered.



My gen 3 has buckets and each seat is only bolted in with 3 grade 8 bolts. The inside tab on the seat is cut off and sits on the gas tank where a small piece of rubber is glued. 

It looks like i can see a rub mark on your tank from the seat. 

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