Axle Degree Angle


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
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I'm seeing various opinions (from 22 to 30 degrees at full droop) as well as how to measure the angle.  How do you measure and what are your thoughts on max angle on the axles? 934 CV's in my case...I'm not sure if the angles differ from 930's to 934's.

Get yourself one of these handy little magnetic angle gauges harbor freight home Depot etc. Jack the car up and put it on your axle see what you have with your limit straps nice and tight. 934 will tolerate less Max angle than a 930 properly prepped. IMO 934 should not go past 25°.


You can measure just the angle of the axle at full droop and call it a day but you have to also include any setback the the cvs have in relation to one another. It usually adds a few more degrees to your number. If you can keep your total cv angle to less than 23 or 24 they will live a long life, any more than that and you'll get wear out at the ends of the stars and maybe some noise, as well as creating divots in the boot retaining rings. At 30 they will have a short lifespan. 

Less angle the better, but that's not feasible for most of us.  Along with axle angle people will tell you to account for 'sweep'.  That's the amount of degree the axle has going backwards.  I never account for sweep.  Very few cars have perfectly straight axles so 'sweep' is built into them.  I set my car, a big ass heavy prerunner with Gear One 934 mid-board hubs, at 22*.  This is a fairly conservative number but gives me piece of mind.  And how much more travel will 25* or even 30* give me?  Not enough for me to set my CV's at the extreme limit.

Travel numbers are exagerated by lots of builders and even more so by sellers.  If you want to know a true travel number then don't measure from the outside of the tire.  Measure from the contact patch (center of the tire) full extension to full bump.  Or with the tire off the car measure the face of the hub, which is pretty close to the center of the wheel.

You can go to the Play store and download an angle finder for your phone. I just pulled my 934s apart after 3 years and they are at 26°. Held up very well with just one pitted star at one ball. They are the cheaper Empi 934s. As KLC said I did get some small divots and wear in the retaining rings but everything lived for the most part. I'm going to flip mine around the other way and put it back together. Swepco / Bell Ray mix on the grease.

Sweep only matters at full droop anyway.  Some sweep at ride height is fine.  Lots of sweep will turn grease into water due to heat.

Either way, as long as it's not super obvious you have backwards sweep at full droop, 23* is a decent number to go with.  Whenever I swap tires, I also rotate the wheel by hand to feel if there's something wrong in the CV.

23* max! Yes people will say 25* and yes the CVs can go that far but they will wear prematurely. Like @L.R.S. said I strap my car at 22*. Limit straps stretch over time, So keep an eye on your angle through out the season. Travel numbers are just a pissing contest these days it is more important to have a properly tuned shock, I like to say I will never notice if I lose an inch or two of travel but my CVs will. sweep does play a role and depending on the geometry of your car it can play a big role. For most cases we tell people to take there back sweep divide it by 2 and add that to get your overall angle. This is not perfect for every car but is pretty close.

@onanysunday I thought you did the swap to 934s in January of 2021?

You can go to the Play store and download an angle finder for your phone. I just pulled my 934s apart after 3 years and they are at 26°. Held up very well with just one pitted star at one ball. They are the cheaper Empi 934s. As KLC said I did get some small divots and wear in the retaining rings but everything lived for the most part. I'm going to flip mine around the other way and put it back together. Swepco / Bell Ray mix on the grease.
Dude, you did that swap in early 21'.  Step away from the fire and put down the beer bong, LOL.

Also remember more angle at ride height robs power, creates heat, and is harder on you boots and CVs. Something to keep in mind while setting up your car.

Well maybe I'm mixing up my timelines. 7 days a week for months on end is making me a little Punch-Drunk. My life is a s*** show. So anyway LOL. I guess I'll just be quiet.
