Anyone have any connections at CA DMV?


Active member
May 5, 2021
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Not trying to get any personal info. Looking at a old truck sitting on the side of a guys house. Might have a deal set up but want to check inf there are any back registration fees. I have the the plate# but not the VIN, Anyone know someone that can check for back fees on a plate? That is all the info I am looking for is any back fees.

1969 Chevy

Plate# 919 MT2

It has taken me almost a year to get this guy to thing about making this deal and I forgot to grab the VIN when we were there and I think I might scare him off if I start asking about the VIN. Old guy is very interesting. Thanks for any help. 

Just ask to see the non-op he filed.  If he does not have one, there will be fees.

I wonder if AAA or another registration service can help?

Been trying for a year to get our sticker and registration renewal on an ATC70.  

Good luck!

If it hasn’t been registered in 7 years or more there will be no back fees and it will be out of the DMV system. 

If it hasn’t been registered in 7 years or more there will be no back fees and it will be out of the DMV system. 
Yeah I went to DMV service today and was told its now 10 yrs before they drop off. I always thought it was 7yrs too.
