Anyone else concerned about the numbers at the CDC ????


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May 2, 2021
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As reported by the CDC...


Here are the US deaths by year and the change from the previous year.


Year 2017:    2,818,503 Americans died


Year 2018:   2,839,205 deaths (20,702 more than the previous year 2017)


Year 2019:   2,855,000 deaths (16,300 more than the previous year 2018)


The year of the pandemic ...


Year 2020:   2,913,144 deaths (57,641 more than the previous year 2019)


BUT WAIT: There were zero deaths from Covid-19 during 2018, and 2019 and the jump from 2019 was only 57,641 ???


We keep being told that COVID is responsible now for 500,000 + deaths.


Shouldn't the 2020 number be a lot higher?


So the question becomes: How many people died of COVID and how many died of other causes WITH COVID?


Food for thought:


A very well-orchestrated plan, or an unimaginable set of events that just fell into place with the United States front and center.  You tell me!!


Scare people with a virus, force them to wear masks and place them in quarantine.


Count the number of dead every second of every day, in every News Headline.


By the way, ninety-nine and eight-tenths of the people who get the virus, recover.


About one to two tenths of one percent who get the virus, die.


Most all of them had other medical problems.


Less than 1/2 of 1 percent die.


Close businesses = 35,000,000+ instantly unemployed.


Remove entertainment and prohibit recreation, closing parks, gyms, bars, restaurants, sports.


No touching. No weddings. No funerals.  Isolate people.  Dehumanize them.


Close Temples and Churches - prohibit worship.  Create a vacuum and let depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and desperation set in.


Then... ignite hatred and civil unrest, creating a Civil War.


Empty the prisons because of the virus and fill the streets with criminals.


Send in Antifa and BLM to vandalize property, as if they were freedom fighters. Undermine the law, while calling it Peaceful Protest.


Riot, Loot and Attack all Law Enforcement, but governments order a stand-down.


We are all being played by those who want to destroy America!


This is how you destroy a Nation from within, and in very short order.


Will it work?  I guess that depends on you and me.


I did not write this... but it needs to be shared.  I just did.  Your turn.

Yep!   This whole PLANDEMIC  has caused many to wake up, but has also shown how many are easily manipulated.  This is what happens when media is filtered. ( News, social accounts, etc... ). Sadly, many are still oblivious to all of the facts.  I will share this post although the people I associate with are already informed.  

CDC is saying there was about 3.36 million deaths in 2020. Although I do believe this pandemic was fake. It will be interesting to see the data as the year unfolds. Did vehicle deaths decrease, did cancer deaths increase and etc. As of now they are saying 375k deaths are attributed to covid. Further I’d like to see the break down of those deaths coupled with comorbidities and etc. And then who knows how much of that data can even be trusted lol. 

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and the reduction of deaths due to:

Heart disease

Lung disease.





Its a freaken miracle!!!!!! 

This whole thing just smells rotten.  From Obama/Fauci funding the Wuhan lab to US senators trading stocks ahead of and during the pandemic.  Trump was the ONLY ONE crying foul over Fauci.  That clown should be in jail.

The bigger concern is if Chinese govt is working on a Covid variant that could be used in Bio warfare.  Ebola is another virus in the Coronavirus family so there are truly some nasty variants of these viruses.  If china could send a plane of tourists here all infected with Ebola, we would be in REAL trouble.

Was this an 'accident' at the Wuhan lab?  Did the US use it as a trial run in case china ever tries something with a 'really deadly' Covid variant........

Did you also know that when a hospital lists the cause of death as "Covid 19", they get a check from the federal government for around 40K?

and the reduction of deaths due to:

Heart disease

Lung disease.





Its a freaken miracle!!!!!! 
I predict that this year and next will be off the charts due to untreated and undiagnosed heart disease and cancer.  

I caught malignant cancer last year but lucky for me I wasn’t intimidated by the deadliest plandemic in human history and had it diagnosed and treated.  Currently I am in full remission but had I not gone to have it taken care of I’d be in a lot worse shape right now.  

Don't forget the flu is gone from the earth. Oh wait it was our masks that made the flu dissapear but made Covid flourish......rrrriiiiigggggghhhhhttttt !
True story.

I had a very small part in one of the MRNA candidates (people keep calling them vaccines but until they get full FDA approval, they are still just candidates with emergency experimental use). Anyway, I was discussing with one of the doctors who had a lot more to do with that candidate about masks and he was sure masks worked because of the drop in flu numbers.... I love the guy but Jimmy cricket what do you say to someone who is an extremely accomplished clinical researcher, MD, and one of the most intelligent people I know when he drops a turd ball like that on you?  I just smiled and nodded.    

Actual CDC link:

Provisional Mortality Data — United States, 2020

In 2020, approximately 3,358,814 deaths occurred in the United States (Table). The age-adjusted rate was 828.7 deaths per 100,000 population, an increase of 15.9% from 715.2 in 2019. The highest overall numbers of deaths occurred during the weeks ending April 11, 2020, (78,917) and December 26, 2020 (80,656) (Figure 1). Death rates were lowest among persons aged 5–14 years (13.6) and highest among persons aged ≥85 years (15,007.4); age-adjusted death rates were higher among males (990.5) than among females (689.2).
Original post was only off by nearly 450,000.  I'll let y'all draw yore own conclusions as to why that might be . . .

True story.

I had a very small part in one of the MRNA candidates (people keep calling them vaccines but until they get full FDA approval, they are still just candidates with emergency experimental use). Anyway, I was discussing with one of the doctors who had a lot more to do with that candidate about masks and he was sure masks worked because of the drop in flu numbers.... I love the guy but Jimmy cricket what do you say to someone who is an extremely accomplished clinical researcher, MD, and one of the most intelligent people I know when he drops a turd ball like that on you?  I just smiled and nodded.    
Next time you have surgery, tell the surgeon masks are optional.  Might want to tell him not to wash his hands as well.....................🤪

Starts in Trumps 4th year...

Ends in Bidens 1st year...

Whole thing is/has been a scam.  Proud to say my family and circle of friends and associates (including many of you) have never bought in.  Just sucks that we now have to fight out.

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surprised??? cut and pasting from Facebook does have its flaws.  
I am not on was in an email I got from a co worker...... :dunno:  ............not sure what to believe but it sure seems like nobody died of anything but covid.........



Did you know that in operating rooms they pump xtra oxygen into the room? They do it because they know the surgical masks the doctors and nurses are wearing reduce their oxygen intake and they don't want it to inhibit their brain function while they operate.
it is also to keep the room pressurized to keep anything out...............My point, mask have to help some, but they aren't full proof.
