Anyone Convert Enclosed Trailer to extend Front?


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
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My trailer is about a foot too short - and as a result I use ramps in the trailer to make up the difference...this works of course - but is a somewhat of a hassle.  I'm thinking about modifying the front to make up that 1 foot.  Yes i could just get a longer trailer, but my trailer is a 24ft Aluminum enclosed - and trying to replace it is a lot of money, especially now.

More or less the length of a 1/2 of my front tire on my buggy is enough...My current tweeker idea is to purchase some aluminum storage boxes - and mount one on each side of the front of the trailer...or one large box...but make sure I'm not affecting jack knife clearances of course...or sheets of diamond plate and have someone build it more money for that though).  Ghetto photoshop example below.

Anyway - anyone else do this or something similar...seems like for about 1000 bucks i could make this work and have it look clean / keep it sealed, match the diamond plate, etc....In the end I'd have to cut tire and front nose "slots" on the inside of the trailer and the car would sit on the frame (center of wheel)

Or just use the ramps and put down the tweek pipe. 🙂 


Maybe integrate some doors in the area you need. Or removable panels and just let the wheels stick out uncovered? I'm just thinking the uncovered wheels sticking out with nothing over them would interfere less when you have to make a tight turn. I know I need every inch when I'm turning tight or backing up and jackknifing but I have the short tongue too.

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Why not put in ramps with a permanent electroic winch....Park the :atc70: s under the front of the buggy !  wala !

I recently encountered a similar problem with my 24' but no matter how I sliced it I needed 2 more feet so I ended up buying an older and nicer race trailer with 35' of storage space for less than a new shorter plain enclosed so problem solved. I explored a lot of different ideas/options for modifying my trailer. If it didn't have to be a bumper pull I considered converting it to a gooseneck and adding the space I needed. Overhead clearance was also an issue for me so no room to go up either

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When we partially reskinned my Buddies 16ft trailer (after a branch somehow jumped out in front of him) We changed the front from Flat to Angled to gave him enough room to add two dirt bikes behind the car  - it was very easy - basically went from flat  to this We added 6" at the bottom and plunged the front out nearly 18"

