Anybody else HATE all the Political commercials??


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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So far the worst is Adam Schiff...I really want to just punch the D-Bag in the face!

Blasting Steve Garvey saying he's too conservative for California and voted for trump twice and supports insurrectionists and blah blah blah.

First of all, voting for Leftist Liberal Progressive ways has gotten CA where is right now you stupid EFFING Lying POS EFFTARDS!!!

And then there's Super Douche Gavin NewSCUM...another one that just looking at him makes me sick! He's just so (Insert your own Explicative here)....and makes me want to (and here)....and I feel like (and here)..........


I just want to yell at the TV, but I change the channel instead!


But seriously...we have a year of this crap!

Turn it all off!!!!  Nothing you can do and it RUINS your outlook which is EXACTLY what they want. Chit is out of control and there is no turning back. we have let unknown people flow daily over the border and its just waiting to go wrong!

When its time, you will know.......... I really hope there is a good ending to all this CHAOS....honestly, turning to any form of news just sends my head in circles BECAUSE they present no LOGICAL solution......they are more worried about which bathroom people should use....



i guess that means you still have a chance they dont even bother paying for commercials here in nj

Yep, haven't had cable for nearly 10 years.  No commercials for me. I Don't even do social media.  They're all bad for you. 

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No cable TV for me for the past 4 years.  No FB.  No Twitter.  No Snap.  On IG to follow fitness and car-related pages.  I don't post and rarely ever comment.

I gained peace from it.

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It makes my blood boil. I turn the thing off. Give me Supercross / MX if anything. MUSIC seems to be my go to these years. Peace
