Agent Orange or Not?


Active member
May 9, 2021
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I need to spray some herbicide (Plant killer) around my place.  I have some weeds that are thorny/prickly and they grow pretty darn quick and they are spreading.

I have a friend that says Roundup is safe, if you wear a mask, gloves, and don't spray into the wind (duh) and that Roundup will kill it.

I dunno.  I was at the Hardware store, and nothing there had Glyphosphate (the main component in Roundup) in it.  

Is Roundup safe (I've seen the commercials and heard that it is bad stuff).  If it is not safe, what works?

I watched videos on Youtube....and what they claim will kill weeds naturally Vinegar and Salt, and Baking Soda doesn't do a dern thing.

What works and doesn't kill you?

I've been using RoundUp at work for 20+ years.  Stuff is great.  Technically been using RoundUp Pro.  

Without getting into technicalities, it's safe.  Breathe in fumes from a weed whip for 2 hours is the alternative.  Which I have to do as well.

Roundup here also. I used a 1 gallon bottle with a 6' tube and sprayer from costco and never gloved up. Was just careful where I sprayed. It's the best stuff for crabgrass, poison oak, and any other weed you want to annihilate. 

I got crop dusted by a drone last week, went and talked to the guys and it was using 2.4-d amine, after some research I had to let it go (for my sake), I don't think you would need to worry if it is an occasional use. If being exposed regularly with any chemical it would increase risk / concern IMO. 

do a google search... on Vinegar, dawn dish washer soap, water!!  basically all natural

I was a "yea right" skeptic, tried it and literally sprayed in the AM and by afternoon weeds were dead!! Yea it smells of vinegar at first, but quickly dissipates. Im a believer!! never will use roundup again! 

we use straight vinegar, works fine for our rock garden & sidewalks.  does not last forever, but its cheap, easy to apply & not poisonous.

Green peace said to mix in some diesel to help make it stick. I’ve mixed in dish soap. 

This is what I have been using for a few years now. Amazon sells it and ships to California no problem. 3-6 oz per gallon does the trick. Takes a week to kill vegetation but lasts IMG_2698.pngfor months 

I use the FarmWorks 41% Glyphosate from Tractor Supply. It's expensive since it's concentrated but lasts forever.


For stubborn weeds or tree stumps that are trying to come back alive, 50/50% water and pool muriatic acid work well.

This is what I have been using for a few years now. Amazon sells it and ships to California no problem. 3-6 oz per gallon does the trick. Takes a week to kill vegetation but lasts View attachment 119211for months 
Was just digging in my Amazon purchase history to see what I had purchased and this was it. Works as good or better than anything that I've had in the past.

I've been using Round Up for a long time and no prolamnn-blmes...s-----$$#@#ooo Fa!@@##$-ar.... :kenk:


Now serioulsy, No issues...I use a HDX Sprayer from Home Depot, try not to breathe it in.

I may try the Vinegar and Dish-soap though

If you salt the soil nothing will grow there pretty much ever..  I wouldn’t recommend that..

if it is rocks and nothing is killing it try some diesel fuel.  

Have about 800 sf 0f rock at home. Weeds pop up after good rains. 

been using the weed killer from ace hardware their own brand. It’s concentrated so just add a few oz per gallon of water weeds be dead. 
