A Slappy Thought..


Apr 29, 2021
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There is so much going on that it takes a great deal of patience within yourself to not go full WITCH EYE on someone.  But just remember, Mother Glamis has arrived, and she is ready to soothe your soul and re-charge your batteries.  When you get there, go rip a bowl and sing a tune…. because nobody Dune like Slappy dune…


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We need this...until Newscum shuts down the small engines and then goes after the off road stuff next!  That's my biggest fear!

So true @Slappy it’s always a place to relax and reboot. I can’t tell the Slapster how many times I’m sitting in traffic thinking I need to twist some serious throttle. 

I'm about in the 12th round....I think the 15th round is up ahead....not sure if I'm Apollo Creed or Rocky Balboa yet.

A Trip to Glamis would be that pivotal 60 second break in between the last few rounds...


I'm about in the 12th round....I think the 15th round is up ahead....not sure if I'm Apollo Creed or Rocky Balboa yet.

A Trip to Glamis would be that pivotal 60 second break in between the last few rounds...

Get the chicken Rock

This is when @Crusty see's @BaBaBouy

