A buddy's TT car ran a little lean ...


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May 5, 2021
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Ever wonder what happens when a fuel injector gets clogged under boost .... its costs more than a yearly injector cleaning


If the car has been sitting all summer and no one ran HEET or stabil through the engine before putting the car away ....

its a good thing to get the injectors cleaned and balanced


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Ever wonder what happens when a fuel injector gets clogged under boost .... its costs more than a yearly injector cleaning


If the car has been sitting all summer and no one ran HEET or stabil through the engine before putting the car away ....

its a good thing to get the injectors cleaned and balanced

View attachment 19046View attachment 19047
Now, if you could only get parts.

now if it was running closed loop with a wide band o2 sensor do you think it would of adjusted enough to save the engine ????

Im gonna say no.  if it was plugged it was plugged. no amount of trim is gonna fix that.  most trims are limited to some %, so there would not be enough trim available in the first place (in drag racing anyway). 

i bought a cheap injector flow test stand its in glamis just so i could check my injectors....   my last trip i usually run it low on gas and put 5 gallons of 110 in and take a quick run dont know if it actually helps tho

now if it was running closed loop with a wide band o2 sensor do you think it would of adjusted enough to save the engine ????
Just one injector partially clogged will still be a problem with a single O2 per bank. It’ll see it’s leaner and fatten up all 4 cylinders, but there would’ve been 3 fat eye watering cylinders and 1 melter, just a little farther from camp. :biggrin:

now if it was running closed loop with a wide band o2 sensor do you think it would of adjusted enough to save the engine ????
No not all. You only have 1 or two O2 sensors. It could never add fuel to one cylinder unless you theoretically had 8 sensors and even then it would have to have the ability to trim individual cylinders and no one would set up a trim that could compensate for huge changes like a plugged injector

we had 8 WBO2's on the 903 in our pro mod & if we fired up all 8 @ once, the heaters would almost kill the motor.  we put a switch in to kill 4 of them, to get them hot & then fire up the other 4. 



Chris Rock voice:  Good Lord that looks expensive!

Yea that was @ the HRR some time ago.  it was a bad day for sure.  We learned a lot from that incident. 

Im kind of surprised he let you take a picture of it.  they have some secrete squirrel chit going on inside it so that the hole to hole trims are right next to nothing & @ those airflow numbers that is not an easy thing to do.  One thing we learned that I would have never guessed............ a burst panel for a blower car is not the same as a burst panel for a turbo car even if they are rated @ the same "burst pressure".  

Interesting bit of trivia........... the 903 in the first picture I posted was Pat Musi's personal motor from his stratus (that he crashed).  He & Lepone were very good friends. 

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No not all. You only have 1 or two O2 sensors. It could never add fuel to one cylinder unless you theoretically had 8 sensors and even then it would have to have the ability to trim individual cylinders and no one would set up a trim that could compensate for huge changes like a plugged injector
I'm not running sequential and i leave the holley at 100 percent learn just wondering being batch fired if it wound grab enough fuel from the other cylinder's to keep it from melting down
