81-87 Chevy Smog Parts?


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
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I'm going to be buying a 1984 GMC Jimmy that has had all of its smog gear removed - but I need to be able to smog it in CA. Is there anyone in San Diego that has a truck / blazer / Jimmy / etc from this era that I can look at so that I can get a better idea of everything I need? Or better yet, anyone have parts from that era they'd like to sell?

So far - thinking I'm going to need smog pump, air cannister, exhaust manifolds, and a handful of random sensors...I'm not yet sure of the carburetor and intake manifold are compatible.  Hoping someone has done a 5.3 swap and just has this stuff sitting around.  I eventually want to do an engine swap, but for now just want to enjoy it as is for a few years.


If it were me I would look for a wrecked truck & just buy the whole thing for all of the parts I was after.  things like EGR & other expense parts I would just buy new.

You might have the best luck at your local pick a park.
FWIW, the last time I went down to the wreckers here in SD there were no good parts in any of the cars out in the lot.  with the nation wide internet sites (www.car-parts.com is one I have used.), they get completely picked over before the cars get to the lot.  they were all gutted............

To find those parts at a wrecker is gonna be nearly impossible. Sorry man, you're talking a 40yr old car at this point. Better luck on ebay. 

im in okla, those trucks are everywhere for sale, parts etc. 

might check clist and I can ship to you or something if needed

There are no sensors.  There is a temp gage sender.  There are some temperature vaccum valves.

I have the manifolds....but no heat.riser.

I agree, what you are looking  for is not gonna be easy.

A small town yard is what you need.

Car-part shows that Phils in Hotchkiss has a smog.pump.  They have an atrocious computer system.  They ship.


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Skip all that nonsense and go get a PO box in Tecate or Potrero...  no smog needed. It's been about 3-4 years since I had that, I'm not sure if they closed that loophole. There are quite a few ZIP codes in California that don't require smog though.

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