2023 Honda 250R Meet

Plan to be there this year.

"HJ"      :ex:       :cheers:

I always avoid holidays but happened to be there President's last year.   We rode to vendors and noticed all the R's.  Thought it was odd til the other day when I saw this flyer.

I always avoid holidays but happened to be there President's last year.   We rode to vendors and noticed all the R's.  Thought it was odd til the other day when I saw this flyer.
I also avoid holidays.  Will probably just plan a day trip since it is over by 1pm. 

So far 2 out of 2 would pick a different weekend. Who plans it? 

Saw this earlier and thought member Bench must run it. But that aint the case. 

I used to go out that weekend with friends. Was always a cold one. I would bring out a point and shoot camera and take video. Lost it when that one site decided to charge money.

So far 2 out of 2 would pick a different weekend. Who plans it? 
3 day weekends are best for events I suppose.  Easiest for many people to make/commit to a trip. 

I just hate people.  That's why I avoid big weekends.

Sounds like awesome event, President's weekend is one of the smaller of the holiday weekend. 

Bump - This Weekend!  Unfortunately I can't make it but would love to see a huge turnout.

Planning to go this morning. 
