2014 Chevy Impala LT

Buyer’s beware! My daughter bought a car from Sandforme on September 12th, less than a month ago. All kinds of issues. Very unethical seller.

Very disappointing. I will be doing a full thread tonight regarding including photographs and video.

There was a time when GD was one big family. OB out!

Seller lures you in with his family history of the car.....just to find out it’s been maintained no different than a Craigslist turd.

I don’t recall ever doing a pull someone’s sheets thread. This dude deserves it. 

Buyer’s beware! My daughter bought a car from Sandforme on September 12th, less than a month ago. All kinds of issues. Very unethical seller.

Very disappointing. I will be doing a full thread tonight regarding including photographs and video.

There was a time when GD was one big family. OB out!
Disappointing to say the least. Hope everything works out in the end. 
