2 new stainless dryer drums for fire pits

I’ll take one... you ever passing through riverside area?

I’ll take one... you ever passing through riverside area?
No I'm not really ever out there if Robert L grabs one he's in Yucaipa maybe a little closer to you

I did a little tinkering on the drum. 
added 3 legs and since the drum is thin I added some flat bar to hold everything in place. Then added a couple handles to carry it. 



Fwiw, this is how I did my handles.  Broom stick and junk from the scrap pile.....  I can pick up the fire pit with blazing hot coals in it and take it to the coal dump (with assistance of course)


Damn, those welds look like the Speed Robots are doing sidework...........

Damn, those welds look like the Speed Robots are doing sidework...........
I knew this was coming...........  LOL

Im not sure what the lip of the drum is made out of (its not the same as the side, which is porcelain coated steel), but it was VERY unhappy with me welding on it.  no matter what I did I could not make it weld right.  I took a hammer to it & it held, so I called it a day.  its held for >10 years now so Its gooder enough.  LOL. it was like I was trying to weld with no gas on, super strange. 

While I'm at it.....  we used to take a borrowed one to the beach a bunch and the one we used to borrow had straight legs and they would sink in the sand.  When I made this one the  piece on the bottom is actually the top of the washing machine flipped upside down.  It prevents the legs from sinking in the sand. 

Also the beach has a rule that things with fire in them have to be some number of inches up off of the sand.  

It took forever to get the damn washing machine apart so by the time I was welding this together I was kind of over the whole thing and my give a crap level was dropping fast.  LOL 

The grill is from Walmart,  fits perfectly and helps to keep the embers in when the wind is really blowing.  

Were I to do this again I think I would buy one off of Craig's list.  


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Nice job RobertL!!

1 left

I'll come get it today. I'm in Rancho, should be heading home in an hour if you're around?
