100” wide toy haulers?


Active member
May 6, 2021
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Are there any toy haulers that have a 100”+ door opening and 16’ of storage for a Sandcar? Looking for something newer not an older WW. Would actually prefer a bumper pull and doesn’t need to be a separate garage
never heard of any if I started over I would have Intech build me one
I’d rather have an actual toy hauler something more comfy for the wife but them and Irok are options.
dunesport will build you one (they will build anything you want); but the interior finishes are not 'prevost' level :/ The one they built for me is a 30' bumper pull with room for full sand car in the back and a 2 seat RzR in front of it and it has a side patio with sliding door (towards the front to keep from impeding the area for the sandrail) to keep it from feeling like a hallway. I sort of copied the front bathroom floorplan that WW used to do. I gave up a dedicated bedroom to be able to carry two cars, but the rear has two electric bunks. Very functional and livable floor plan; but the wife struggled with it after selling our DP/stacker.......

I went with 12" I-beam frame and triple 8k torsion axles because I like overkill on axles/bearings/etc. There are some things that I would change if I did it over again (the built-in Onan 5500 is loud AF when you are in the camper; so I just use the 30a cable to external generator).

Recently went to a Jayco Eagle bumper pull camper (not toyhauler) and it is about 42' from tongue to back of camper. Even with a F450; she's a big girl...... I'm 64'10" OAL connected to the truck...........
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Took a look at the Iroks at the sand show. They said they had a 36' (don't quote me) that had a 17' garage, but I don't know the door width. The composite walls were a nice touch. No lumber, just composite and aluminum. Looked pretty well built
Took a look at the Iroks at the sand show. They said they had a 36' (don't quote me) that had a 17' garage, but I don't know the door width. The composite walls were a nice touch. No lumber, just composite and aluminum. Looked pretty well built
Talking to them now. The one at the sand show would be perfect with a bit more room. 99” between the bed lift rails.