05 DD trailing arm plate backwards


May 7, 2021
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Have anyone of you older 05 ish DD owners felt like your rear brakes were kinda funkie ?. Well have no fear I finally have figured it out. Some original azzhat welded the plate to the trailing arm backwards. Yep. The caliper mount is on the wrong side. Pic. Not the end of the world to fix but very curious what dufuss ( Extreme motorsports) or Dave at DD made these things. Boy do I feel stupid. Lol. Not the first time.


I worked on a big Prerunner chassis a few years ago that had about 10 joints that never got welded up. it was scary work.

that is how it is for a Tatum Brake, Proamm Brake, Gray Area Brakes, and the Willwood,  Gear one had a lot of issues so, someone might had a better brake system on it,  all other brakes on a DD car go on the far outside of the plate,  if you look on kartek site, all the trailing arms plates are flat, Gear One is the only one that did this setup with a odd notched plate, 

Everyone brakes looks like the rotor touches the plate,  not sure if the plate you have is made for your brakes or if someone modified the plate for the brakes that are on it,  

what the other side look like,  if the plate was on backwards, Pretty sure its not,  it would have a huge counter sink for the brakes to go into, i can see the bolts so does it have a huge machined area for the brake to sit in, 

Take a picture of the boot side,  if it has a large counter sunk machined area that the brake spindle mount can sit in, then yes plate is on wrong,    if it is flat on the boot side, then you have the wrong brakes,  DD cars never came with Gear one brakes unless they where built by the owner,  or someone else assembling the car, 

that is how it is for a Tatum Brake, Proamm Brake, Gray Area Brakes, and the Willwood,  Gear one had a lot of issues so, someone might had a better brake system on it,  all other brakes on a DD car go on the far outside of the plate,  if you look on kartek site, all the trailing arms plates are flat, Gear One is the only one that did this setup with a odd notched plate, 
I've never had Tatum brakes, Pro-am Midboards, Pro-am outboards, Jamar outboards or any wildwood brakes for that matter with that mount. Not to mention its paper thin and they're bent in the pictures.

Someone could have machined the plate that way for nuts,  

The Point is that the Gear one has a large hole for the midboad to sit in so it has the incorrect plate for that brake, regardless of the to thin brake mount the brake plate does not fit this hub, 

for gear one hubs the full brake will recess inside and the rotor will almost touch the plate,  

I would cut out the caliper mounting area (thin part only) and call gear one for a set of plates made for this brake, then stack the plates together to make it one thick plate,  


Cut the plate off and use the correct plate, 


Get the Correct Arms for the car from Kartek and go to a  - Tatum brake, Pro-am Midboards, Jamar Midboards or Gray area Midboards,  every plate uses the same bolt pattern BUT Gear One,  
