Search results

  1. zilla68

    Generators what do you like

    from what i found the issue is just starting the a/c, i used this for mine, works like a champ
  2. zilla68

    Generators what do you like

    theres a spring black friday at HF starting tomorrow with gennies on sale
  3. zilla68

    What's your opinion/take on the efforts of DOGE?

    hell for 19.99 we could just DBART...................I mean he knows right??????????
  4. zilla68

    2024 GMC 2500 AT4 Smoked Side marker lights

  5. zilla68

    The February DOTM is?

    thats what its all about
  6. zilla68

    2024 GMC 2500 AT4 Smoked Side marker lights

    i'd bet theres a tinted piece of wrap you can buy to put on them and not have to remove
  7. zilla68

    Introduction - Price Designs

    some day, some day. I won the guess the wheel cost contest on social media, welcome aboard!!
  8. zilla68

    It's Saturday Feb 22nd 2025.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    washing up the vehicles from the week long negative temps and road salt all over everything. property checks now that we are no longer negative at night and monday will be in the 60s lol, make sure the tstats are all set back down low or off. just another damn day
  9. zilla68

    My thoughts on the Pro R

    are thos price designs wheels?
  10. zilla68

    Anyone able to do a Vin check for a salvaged title?

    just google the vin, if it sold thru anything like copart there's pics out there
  11. zilla68

    First daddy-daughter trip success

    man kids at that age are like the perfect age, if they stayed that way forever I'd have had 10 lol. so damn cute and man I miss those days. now shes 20 and mean lol.
  12. zilla68

    Fur babies. You have them. Lets see'em!

    we did that when my son was little, wife had 2 weenie dogs and they had a doggie door to go out back, my dad made a block off so they could come in the house and not go but about 2 ft inside the door. my son was learning to walk and stuck his hand in between the slats some how and she got him...
  13. zilla68

    Dumpster divers, THE reason our areas are a mess

    only IF you get caught
  14. zilla68

    As a parent do you ever lose the anxiety for your kids?

    well he made it lol. i'll probably drink tonite to wind down. now just to make it back!!!!!!!!!
  15. zilla68

    What's your opinion/take on the efforts of DOGE?

    we had to do a study because 1 million went unspent for a fresh fruit and vegetable program, consensus was the participants couldn't do math in their heads, so they gave up the funds. so we spend a ton redoing pamphlets with math equations on the back. .99lb is .99 for 1 lb, 1.98 is 2 pounds and...
  16. zilla68

    What's your opinion/take on the efforts of DOGE?

    i worked for a state agency and have seen first hand the waste that goes on. Part of the reason I left. we bought equipment, hey buy extra so this dept can have some, you underspent the budget by 2 million, oh all of a sudden IT dings them for services rendered so the state doesn't lose the...
  17. zilla68

    As a parent do you ever lose the anxiety for your kids?

    i was there lol! more than once, luckily back then it was a ticket and confiscate and you were on your way............oh the days.
  18. zilla68

    As a parent do you ever lose the anxiety for your kids?

    oh the 80s lol. I lived that life also, no jail though lol.
  19. zilla68

    As a parent do you ever lose the anxiety for your kids?

    i know he would figure it out, he is smart, not sure on the handy part lol. One time he helped a buddy and his mother move as she got divorced. He said dad I was the only guy there out of 6 that knew how to take a door off a hinge, undo a washer and dryer, unhook a fridge water line, little...