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  1. HTElectrical

    Cutting paddles

    Ply cutting vs comp cutting sand tires
  2. HTElectrical

    Speed UTV

    That is the most ignorant method of changing oil I have ever seen. WTF????
  3. HTElectrical

    Sta-Flo Starch has been discontinued!! What is every one using now???

    So what are all of the starch users using now??
  4. HTElectrical

    Enclosed trailer delivery/ transport

    Contact @L.R.S. he has a transport company.
  5. HTElectrical

    This is BS

    Insanely Loud 170 dB. Chrome Three Trumpet Train Horn
  6. HTElectrical

    Sandrail at Sand Hollow?

    Too hard on a sand car, especially if you have a 2d, and need to back out.
  7. HTElectrical

    Alternator amperage

    160 AMP LS1 CHEVY CAMARO FIREBIRD NEW ALTERNATOR High Output HD 98-02 5.7L Get a hold of Alper, and get the correct pulley. ;I have had mine for 2 years, and still going strong.
  8. HTElectrical

    What Fuel pump for 6.2 LS3

    My last trip on the very last run at St. Anthony's my car just died about halfway thru the dunes.  Waited a couple of minutes and it fired back up.  Decided to head back to IDRV, and make it about 5 minutes or so, and it cuts out again.  Rinse and repeat 3 more times and finally back at IDRV. ...
  9. HTElectrical

    Buggy Tie Downs

  10. HTElectrical

    Whats a COMPLETE Turbo Honda setup worth?

    My 2 seat Chenowth with a Subi weighed 2240 lbs.  After the ls swap with new 934 CV's, axles, beefed up frame, new midboards, bigger radiator, and 12" to 14" fans, new filters, bigger fuel pump, and bigger front tires weighed in at: (see Pic Below) OH yeah, and I can not thank Jason Alper...
  11. HTElectrical

    Happy Birthday J Alper

    :party3: Happy Birthday :hb2: @J Alper
  12. HTElectrical

    2006 CRF450r Paddle Tire Setup

    It always hits.  Buy an aftermarket one from Rocky Mtn. Cycra Mud Flap Polisport Air Box Mud Flap Trim it so that it does not swing back as far, and you should be good.  Swap it out when going to the dunes, and then put your OEM guard back on for the desert and track.
  13. HTElectrical

    How to calculate spring rate for rear A-arm coil over shocks.

    I want to make sure that I am measuring from the correct points.  I assume that for D1 it would be from the lower shock bolt straight across to the lower rear Heim.  What I am not sure about is where the outer spindle pivot point is or D2. Does anyone know for sure what they are referring to...
  14. HTElectrical

    Who makes this fuel cell????

    Can any one tell me who the manufacturer and model # of this fuel cell please????
  15. HTElectrical

    Good source for Automotive relays?

    I had nothing but problems with Hella 4RA 003.530-041 Standard 4 Blade 12 Volt 25 Amp Single Circuit Relay With Built In 25 Amp Fuse
  16. HTElectrical

    Which Throw out bearing?????

    Which Throw out Bearing.  I remember my Trans guy showed me on my old trans.  that it could be taken apart, cleaned, and re greased. I sold it though with the 4e. Which of the 3 below?  1, 2, or 3???? INA Clutch Throw Out Bearing For Beetle Or Bus IRS 1971 And Later Or Mendeola 2D or MD5...
  17. HTElectrical

    RV sleeping ideas,

    I found the best way of keeping the cover from getting shredded is to wrap it in True Tape (around the car) or something similar.  The key is to not have loose material that the wind can grap and turn into a parachute.
  18. HTElectrical

    View New Post not working

    This is what I see when clicking on View New Post.