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    2025 Race and Event schedules (Jet boat / V-Drive)

    Am I missing the date on this all together?
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    This is BS

    Don’t dump their black tanks. That pollutes and stinks up your camp too. Just open the low point drain on their fresh tank so they can’t flush, shower or do dishes all weekend. Something tells me the wife will get sick of that real quick and decide to pull chocks sooner rather than later.
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    Where to go from here? CV’s

    Thanks for your input! I should play with a shorter strap and see how much I’d lose. I’m extremely happy with the suspension as it is, it would be interesting to see what losing a couple inches of droop would do.
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    Mobile Sand Blaster - San Diego?

    Atomic Blast - Mark is a friend and fellow diner.
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    Where to go from here? CV’s

    I placed my order with @parker@gearone on Friday around 9:30am. They showed up on my doorstep the following day! Someone in this thread says the Gearone Super CV’s were like jewelry on the car…and they’re right. The only problem with that was that as soon as I installed them, I had to begin...
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    Onan4400 works great until...

    That sounds like a fuel pump going bad. Sometimes they will weaken and not provide enough fuel under load.
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    My 2006 Wuerth Motorsports Build

    I ran into his brother, and business partner, John Wuerth in the dunes last season. He said there were about 150 cars built in total with the last being a monster in 2009. I think they called it an R1? There is a YouTube video of it. I’m the proud owner of my second dual sport Wuerth car and it...
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    Where to go from here? CV’s

    These are the transmission side on the passenger side. Probably the best looking race and star, but the balls obviously saw enough heat to turn them almost black.
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    Where to go from here? CV’s

    There is a new set of Gearone CV’s coming and Parker has been awesome behind the scenes. Thought I’d throw in some pictures of the ones I took off. These pics are the hub side on the driver side.
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    Where to go from here? CV’s

    Funny you should mention. The left side broke last trip with no apparent detriment to the left side CV’s. I stopped by shock therapy and picked up a new pair since the right side was the same age as the broken left side. The 22.5° was taken on the side with the older, stretched strap. There...
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    Where to go from here? CV’s

    Maybe 2° at full droop and of course a little bit more at ride height and a bit more with the axles level. I happen to think it’s a very well thought out car.
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    Where to go from here? CV’s

    @parker@gearone , I sent you a DM.
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    Where to go from here? CV’s

    But is there a middle ground that won’t cost almost $2k?
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    Where to go from here? CV’s

    I have a four seat, dual sport car with a relatively mild LS, 2D and 930’s. I really love the whole package. Before last season, four new GKN 930 CV’s were installed. It was before I owned the car (but verified with Raw Motorsports it had been done as they were the ones who did the work) so...
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    Amazon Generator deal

    I’m always more than happy to help with this problem!
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    9mm semi handgun choices

    This is still a CZ, but their polymer framed, striker fired option, the P-10. It’s available in different sizes but the C is probably the most popular. Phenomenal pistol with the typically awesome CZ ergonomics and best in class trigger.
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    Gawdammit CA - Prop 65

    Same @Rockwood but I live in Yuma and go to SD frequently.
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    Inverter Issue

    This sounds like the breakers on the generator have tripped.
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    Buffed Tires

    I tried these, along with their 8 cup destroyer paddles at their demo day this spring. They were light, wide and tall. I really appreciated the extra ground clearance and flotation in the really soft stuff (my car is a “dual sport and is fairly heavy) but there just wasn’t enough bite from the...
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    Fortin FRS5 Questions

    I would just call Doug Fortin in El Cajon. He makes most of the components for his transmissions and can answer those questions the best. (619)449-3633