Search results

  1. Poule43

    It's Saturday March 8th 2025.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    Woke up in Glamis for the final day of a 10 Day trip / Had runs 2 hours long with fresh tracks the entire ride / ABSOLUTE PERFECTION,,,,,, Had a great night hanging with Fix4flight Last night and family ! Great Crew of people...... The RC car runs were even INCREDIBLE !!! Did NOT want to leave...
  2. Poule43

    Sandy Golf Tourney 3/22/25

    @ChEFF American Airlines DFW TO SAN......Just Saying
  3. Poule43

    Got back in to RC cars

    Fresh tracks on the mini maxx this morning Soo fun !!!
  4. Poule43

    2024 SCU Pro Bro 2

    INCREDIBLE car !!!!!!
  5. Poule43

    Happy Birthday dbart

    Happy Birthday Dipchit !!!
  6. Poule43

    Looks Like Epsteins List is becomming Public Today !!

    This is going to be CRAZY !!!! Grab some popcorn !!!! 🍿
  7. Poule43

    Happy Birthday Crusty

    Happy BDay Crusty !!!!!!
  8. Poule43

    Speed UTV

    WOW - That is CRAZY !!!! there must be some serious pissed off people ! That would SUCK !!!!
  9. Poule43

    Speed UTV

    Are there people still waiting for these things that paid years ago OR did they finally catch up to the deposits that were taken ate the SSSS back years ago....(i may be wrong but when @sndsamplr was buying his UTV and we were looking at these things it was 2019 I think)...... they seem well...
  10. Poule43

    Looking For 3 Specific RC Cars (LOSI)

    Check your cell phone texts !!!!
  11. Poule43

    The January DOTM is

    CONGRATS !!!!!! Brad !!!!!! Great Job!
  12. Poule43

    Looking For 3 Specific RC Cars (LOSI)

    what is it ? Losi ...Associated....Details
  13. Poule43

    Looking For 3 Specific RC Cars (LOSI)

    Looking for these 3 cars ! LOSI DB- Pro 1/10th scale Buggy LOSI DB- Mini 8Ight 1/14 Scale Buggy LOSI Lasernut 1/10th Scale Buggy
  14. Poule43

    Got back in to RC cars

    These RC cars are FUN FUN FUN !!!!! Looking for the following specific cars if someone has any they wanna sell LOSI DB- Pro 1/10th scale Buggy LOSI DB- Mini 8Ight 1/14 Scale Buggy LOSI Lasernut 1/10th Scale Buggy
  15. Poule43

    Looking For 3 Specific RC Cars (LOSI)

    Since @punkur67 lit the RC Car Fire under my AZZ along with Nick @Dunerdr82 I am LOOKING TO TRADE ATC 70 stuff for the following RC Cars LOSI DB- Pro 1/10th scale Buggy LOSI DB- Mini 8Ight 1/14 Scale Buggy LOSI Lasernut 1/10th Scale Buggy If anyone has one / two or all 3 Let me know and I...
  16. Poule43

    Sucks to read about this stuff

    VERY SAD !!! RIP and prayers to the families involved
  17. Poule43

    As a parent do you ever lose the anxiety for your kids?

    I had a similar "incident" police chase with 2 of my buddies - It was CRAZY !!!!
  18. Poule43

    Losing a good friend. Taps to Coobie.

    Missing @Coobie !!! Was talking the other day with family and some funny campfire COOBIE stories started Rolling !!!! WAY TOO YOUNG TO NOT BE HERE!!!!! SUCKS!! I really hope hes in a better place and at peace looking down !!!!! He is truly missed!!
  19. Poule43

    2013 Yamaha TW200 - $4,100

  20. Poule43

    January DOTM voting

    Its Feburary 12th / Who got Jan DOM ????????