Search results

  1. Chingon619

    Leno’s Law Classic Car Enthusiasts - SB712 moving the goal posts from 1975 to 35yrs old

    Or LS a Mazda RX-7 dang. The options are pretty wide, doubt this passes without some kind of microscope.
  2. Chingon619

    Cutting paddles

    Try parkhouse. They may be able to lead you in the right direction. Won't be the first time they hear from us sand folks.
  3. Chingon619

    Help needed evaluating sand rail

    That's an awesome log of what you actually got. Although a bit dated, still should fetch 30k all day. Some of the highlights are bypasses, 2" hollows racepak dash, 934s, etc. If you wait until season, and clean it up a bit possibly a bit more. Also, title shows it to be a Mosebilt which is...
  4. Chingon619

    Looks Like Epsteins List is becomming Public Today !!

    A week ago, Harvey from TMZ released the "Save Wendy Williams" docu-interview on tubi. I watched it last night and I can bet she knows some things. It's a must see!
  5. Chingon619

    President's Weekend 2025 Pics

    These are great shots man! Thanks for taking the time to not only snap them but go through them, post them etc. Lots of time involved there. Appreciate it! Looking at em' I feel like I'm right there! Love me some cars!!
  6. Chingon619

    Latin Lover Sighting!

    He be livin' large! You didn't know? Here's his tow rig for his new SxS!
  7. Chingon619

    Eye-opening former DEA Agent interview- Hector Berrellez

    This guy is a fuxking badass! As my wife says, if you want Mexican government to do anything you need to get them lots of hookers and blow
  8. Chingon619

    Metal blade for cutting metal

    I've also heard they're really good on fingers, too! Sorry, just a friendly OSHA reminder lol
  9. Chingon619

    Best way to remove vinyl from body panels

    Fun fact: a heat gun is cheaper than your wife's hair blow dryer. Ask me how I know 😭
  10. Chingon619

    King of the Hammers.... don't forget the King of the Hammers starts today.... with the king of the Motos FREE on Youtube.

    I've only gone for the 2nd annual, many many moons ago. It was the bestest shit ever. Spectators on the course lol the night shenanigans were definitely crazy.
  11. Chingon619

    Disaster avoided, Rzr 1000 Clutch Replacement

    Everybody wants to be a gangster until it's time to do gangster shit! Good work! And yea, I keep left hand bits at the ready for sure. Crazy thing is I use them for everything. Whatever hole needs drilling, whatever broken bolt needs removing. Simple. On another note, I've broken bolts a lot...
  12. Chingon619

    RIP Doug Courton

    RIP duner.
  13. Chingon619

    Got back in to RC cars

    Yo, so how do I revive some venom new batteries? They're not trying to charge for some reason. Got the venom charger too. So frustrating. I got a couple Axial Yeti Score TT's.
  14. Chingon619

    Ruts are killing me!

    I've seen these shocks for sale before. From a Can Am I believe and always wondered how they would work on a sand car. Very cool.
  15. Chingon619

    Paddle tire size

    Damn! Way under paddled! You can run the biggest they make 😂 kidding. But definitely need to go up in size to at least a 35 Extreme but a 36 Sand Blaster would do it!
  16. Chingon619

    Getting stuck is a problem

    And not sure who mentioned it, probably has less to due with getting stuck but yea, that ride height in the pic looks oddly high.
  17. Chingon619

    Getting stuck is a problem

    What trans do you have? I would assume it's a 2d but could be wrong. I bet you wouldn't notice much "gearing" change if you went up a size in paddles. I went from 33 sand Blasters to 35 Extremes. Which actually are a 33" diameter with a measuring tape. Anything over 12psi in 33s with an LS =...
  18. Chingon619

    Bad rv fire tonight. Pad 2

  19. Chingon619

    High spirited Dual sport bikes

    I like your style! Would love to rip one through the hills some day and then ride home. My issue lately has been Carbs. Sick of them all. FI for my next venture for sure.