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  1. Sandlord

    13.5 Back In The Day?

    Fun times, thats for sure
  2. Sandlord

    Prez Debate!

    My money is on Trump. This is his 7th Presidential debate. He lives and speaks to people and reporters every day, and they’re not nice to him. And he makes them look like fools. He’s got this
  3. Sandlord

    Bugs fixes modifications thread

    How useful is it? There is not one on RDP and it’s far more popular. It seems it would only be useful for post-whoring. I’d be hesitant to repeat the format that killed the old GD.
  4. Sandlord

    Bugs fixes modifications thread

    Please keep the one at the bottom of the page. That way, when you reply to a topic, you don’t need to scroll all the way back up.
  5. Sandlord

    Halloween/ start of dune season!

    Welcome new member, tell your friends.
  6. Sandlord

    Bugs fixes modifications thread

    RDP has issues this morning as well
  7. Sandlord

    Bugs fixes modifications thread

    And again
  8. Sandlord

    Retired yet??

    I’m 64 and been retired for 9 years now. Some days I’ll sit on the porch with a PBR and point finger guns at the neighbor kids playing in the street. Other days I might head off to Punta Cana for a week or 2. No worries, no fucks to give. I earned this.
  9. Sandlord

    Bugs fixes modifications thread

    Problem over on RDP An unexpected database error occurred. Please try again later.
  10. Sandlord

    What are your thoughts on this?

    It wasn’t me. But you’re correct. Neil Hamada is a very well respected land manager. We’re lucky to have him.
  11. Sandlord

    Bugs fixes modifications thread

    When you attach pics to your post, First hit “insert” Then hit “full image”
  12. Sandlord

    Bugs fixes modifications thread

    Can you implement the hover-preview like on RDP? Where you see a preview of the topic just by hovering your mouse pointer over the topic.
  13. Sandlord

    Hello New Glamis

    Did you try dark mode?
  14. Sandlord

    Hello New Glamis

    First go to every forum you want to see and click “watch” Then go to what’s new or view new posts and click filters.
  15. Sandlord

    Hello New Glamis

    Filters, it works
  16. Sandlord will go offline at some point this week!

    Thanks, Dave and staff
  17. Sandlord will go offline at some point this week!

    Hate to see you go, but we chipped in and got you a farewell gift.