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  1. Sandkist

    Shocks... Cerakote Vs. Powdercoat

    Steel It.
  2. Sandkist

    Shocks... Cerakote Vs. Powdercoat

    Best prep is to sand the shock down to bare metal and clean with acetone. The disassembled shock is a lot easier to spray and the finish will be better. Assembled or disassembled, just depends on how picky you are with the finished product.
  3. Sandkist

    Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

    Necessary to make room for more acceptable means of land use. One can never have enough industrial business parks and golf courses.😏
  4. Sandkist

    Time Delay Relay - Anyone use them?

    If 60 amps of additional load is creating a starting issue than maybe your battery is undersized and more CCAs are called for.
  5. Sandkist

    chEFFs Dream Home Build

    Do it
  6. Sandkist

    Show us your Cool desert finds

    Always remember to tighten your gas cap
  7. Sandkist

    State Farm, pleads with department of insurance for Calif rate hike

    Many companies ( other industries) would disagree with your statement. If insurance companies are as conservative as described than 10% is a nice conservative margin. State Farm, being a mutual company, would tend to be on the conservative side of things.
  8. Sandkist

    State Farm, pleads with department of insurance for Calif rate hike

    I guess that depends on your definition of “minimum profits”.😀 4.2 billion net on 42 billion of sales plus 16 billion from asset investments. That was the last year of positive net income for State Farm. In 2023 they only earned 10 billion from their asset investments. At that level I am sure...
  9. Sandkist

    State Farm, pleads with department of insurance for Calif rate hike

    State Farm has operated at a substantial net income loss totaling over 14 billion dollars from 2021 to 2023. That being said, total assets for 2023 were over 220 billion dollars. In 2020 total assets were over 190 billion. State Farm has more than enough reserves (and growing) to weather the...
  10. Sandkist

    Show us your Cool desert finds

    Box 2. Almost always buried beneath the sand.
  11. Sandkist

    CBR or Ron Davis Radiators

    Have had both and never an issue with either.The CBR appears to be a more ruggedly built unit. Both can leak after time where the core is epoxied to the tanks but some of that has to do with how the radiator is mounted.
  12. Sandkist

    Disaster avoided, Rzr 1000 Clutch Replacement

    kudos to you for not giving up when all seemed hopeless. Today’s useless tip, always have your torque wrenches tested/certified.
  13. Sandkist

    Supercross/Outdoor Motorcross

    What was the best gate pick for the hole shot quickly turned into the worst pick once the rain started. Tomac had zero traction for the first 50 feet.
  14. Sandkist

    Old School 2 Seat Alumicraft Rebuild

    Orange? Did someone say orange?
  15. Sandkist


    CHeFF and Esco both MIA!! WTH?
  16. Sandkist

    Robert L

    Happy windy Monday
  17. Sandkist


    Thank you, I will.