My first car was a 1987 Mazda B2600 4x4…. Put a lot of miles on that car! Lived in the mountains and it took all 115HP to limp it up the mountain …. Great memories in that car
We are one street away from the shutdown…. They turned off power yesterday around 11am and it’s supposed to be off until midnight tonight at the earliest…. The funny thing is that the area they shut it off is not even close to a wildland area. They haven’t turned it off in that area for over 20...
So you wouldn’t correct your own kids if they were screwing up? Show me a parent that doesn’t love their kids, and I’ll show you their kid who has no sense of right and wrong. I discipline my kids and call them out when they are wrong because I love them. We run a tight ship in our house and...
Exactly ….. we are called to love the sinner as we are ALL sinners but to call out sin and condemn it. Homosexuality is against scripture just the same as murder, lying, stealing, lust, and so on. “Accepting” sinful behavior is not loving.
All was a success…. Just saying! Then right back after it today taking down Christmas decorations and sweating some pipe that’s been leaking for a while. Tried to catch the OSB on fire between the stucco and board…. Previous owners did some hack jobs and I’ve been undoing them for 8 years.
Good afternoon all! I am trying to see if anyone on the Riverside area has a sliding 5th wheel hitch that will fit the Ram puck system that I can borrow for the week. I have a standard non sliding and the trailer I’m using is a little close to the cab for my comfort. I would probably be fine but...