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  1. EastMT

    Auto insurance

    My progressive policy increased about 50% from last year. The (independent) agent said progressive was still the cheapest they could find.
  2. EastMT

    It's Saturday March 1st 2025.. What are ya doing this weekend?

    I used a upside down 5 gallon bucket with a fan mounted on the bottom. Set several road flares in the hole with the ends touching to light the next flare before the previous flare burns out. The neighbor thought it was funny until the smoke trails started showing up in his yard.
  3. EastMT

    is a used house rooftop AC unit worth anything?

    Hold out longer for one with crazy eyes.
  4. EastMT

    Scumbag alert. BWB (Bunks while you boat)

    Looks like he already scrubbed his reviews.
  5. EastMT

    What's your opinion/take on the efforts of DOGE?

    No more than Moochelle.
  6. EastMT

    Fur babies. You have them. Lets see'em!

    Sorry to hear. I just doesn’t get any easier to deal with.
  7. EastMT

    Dumpster divers, THE reason our areas are a mess

    You should film a national geographic spoof video of these upright walking raccoons.
  8. EastMT

    What's your opinion/take on the efforts of DOGE?

    I like asking pedocrats why they are upset about wasteful spending being discovered or stopped. In their defense I guess someone has to pay for story hour with a transvestite and hormone blockers.
  9. EastMT

    Time Delay Relay - Anyone use them?

    Mishimoto makes a replacement fan switch that turns on at a lower temperature than OEM. I do like the idea of having one fan turn on at a lower temp though.
  10. EastMT

    Got back in to RC cars

    Does anyone have a Losi JRX2? This deal is almost to good to pass up.
  11. EastMT

    Mirage trailer

    Thanks for the info. Is there any way to seal the bottom of the walls?
  12. EastMT

    Mirage trailer

    20ish years old. Thanks for the info.
  13. EastMT

    Mirage trailer

    Any opinions on older Mirage brand enclosed trailers?
  14. EastMT

    87 Suzuki Samurai

    Nice 1st post!
  15. EastMT

    CBR or Ron Davis Radiators

    I have a leaking Ron Davis I can make you a heck of a deal on. Replaced it with a CBR.
  16. EastMT

    Pod Casts, what do you like?

    I'm searching for my next business idea so I listen to podcast about the challenges and logistics of operating different businesses, mostly while I drive.
  17. EastMT

    Soros Or Sore Arse.

    Is this the same guy that Bidum gave the presdementia award?
  18. EastMT

    The official Honda Thread

    I use a 100 before and 40 after pump. I seem to remember a couple guys having fuel pressure/flow problems with a 10 after the pump.