Search results

  1. Kevin

    efi system

    fuel tech just dropped this at PRI. if i didnt already have my holley 12" dash and efi system id look hard at fueltech.
  2. Kevin

    5hp electric motors

  3. Kevin

    APC rackmount battery backup

    model number SMT2200RM2U its still new in box, been sitting in storage for a few years.  $650 needs batteries replaced, make offer located in havasu, can bring to glamis vets weekend, or to rancho cucamonga at christmas, phx or vegas are possible also.
  4. Kevin


    Found this in my storage unit. My toyhauler is long gone.. make offer
  5. Kevin

    Old vw buggy parts

    I’ve got a bunch of random vw type buggy parts. I’ve got what’s in the pics. Also got some type 2 cv parts and some sway away axles I still gotta dig out of the shed. Make me an offer on what your interested in. I’m in Havasu fyi. 
  6. Kevin

    70 for sale

  7. Kevin

    kevins desert dynamics build

    im going to try and redo my build thread that i started on here in 2008. I got the car running in 2012, and i pulled it apart in early 2020 to swap to ls power and then the world shut down, and that with some other personal factors i lost interest in glamis and the car. new years 2022 though i...
  8. Kevin

    whats everyones shocks and spring rates?

    used to  have several great threads with spring rates, so whats everyone got on their car? also include the car specs and weight 🙂  heres what mine was.. desert dynamics dual sport, setup midengine 3245lbs  FRONT kings 2.0 coil carriers 2.5 triple bypasses  14-350/12-250  REAR king 2.5 ext...
  9. Kevin

    anyone remeber this build?

    was scrolling thru my old pics i have saved. dont think this was ever finished..