Search results

  1. Stinky

    Honda Manual

    I've got a well worn Odyssey van manual, which covers the 3.5 V6....anybody want it. $10 for S&H. Or, FTF, mid March at Buttercup or Yuma, or all parts between there and Grand Junction when enroute. Reserve it before I get real tired of looking at it (I'm already tired). It is taking up...
  2. Stinky

    Aggravating or not?

    Today I go to Lowes and by a hitch, dryer and 2 hitch pins (on sale, for a buck 87, wahOOOO). I get to the self-checkout and scan everything. I get to the pins....grrrrrr. The label is wrapped around the pin, half wrapped around, and half stuck onto itself, sticking out. and won't scan...
  3. Stinky

    Metal blade for cutting metal

    I've just noticed some metal blades, that look like a standard circular-saw or table saw blade that are designed for cutting metal. Has anybody used them?
  4. Stinky

    Holley/Weber or Weber use on a sandrail?

    I'm having a bit of a disagreement w/a guy. He doesn't believe that a Weber progressive carb, or a Holley Weber carb is prone to having the secondary pivot arm and etc are prone to getting sand in there and then sticking. Anybody had, or not had that problem? BTW, if you've had it, it is good...
  5. Stinky

    Bent Trailer Axle got a 3 place ATV trailer and it is eating up tires. I came down last year and when I got home (1,600m RT) one of the tires was worn on the inside. I changed the trailer hubs were getting hot, and when I opened it up, they were Chinese.....uggg. I flipped that tire and...
  6. Stinky

    Yuma Car Wash

    I am looking for a car wash in Yuma... 2 criteria..... Pressure hose on the wall... Takes credit cards (don't forget to press stop, or $20 goes on card).
  7. Stinky

    Rhino Radiator

    My nephew has a Rhino and it overheats. He has his cooling fan hard.wired on all the time and he doesn't have a T.stat. His temperature seems to fluctuate. When he pushes it, it will go 225-250. As soon as he let's up, his temp will drop to 180. It also fills up the overflow. I think that...
  8. Stinky

    Fire Balloons

    I don't know what you call them....but, where can you get a balloon that has a fire burning in it that makes the thing rise.up and float away. A camp east of us just launched 2. They are probably illegal as can be.
  9. Stinky

    15x7 Centerlines

    (2) 15x7 Centerline or Centerline clones w.VW wide 5 pattern. The one on the left is tweaked at 3 O'clock. $40 total I am in Western-CO, but will be at Buttercup 12.27-1.1 and can deliver most anywhere in between. I am looking for some 10" wide 15" steel wheels.
  10. Stinky

    Coachella Canel Road

    We want to go from Buttercup to Glamis 1 day this week. We can go up Ogilby...which is barely paved and rough as can be, and long or take Coachella Canal Road. Is it paved? How rough is it?
  11. Stinky

    Agent Orange or Not?

    I need to spray some herbicide (Plant killer) around my place.  I have some weeds that are thorny/prickly and they grow pretty darn quick and they are spreading. I have a friend that says Roundup is safe, if you wear a mask, gloves, and don't spray into the wind (duh) and that Roundup will kill...
  12. Stinky

    Tire Facts, or BS

    I went down to Discountire to get a screw removed from my wife's was sorta interesting.  My front tires are how would you say...bald.  One is at the wear-bars and the other has a bit more.  I have 4 snow-tires just waiting to go on, in 2 months.  I want to wait 2 months and then, I...
  13. Stinky

    Good used SXS models

    I haven't sold it yet, but I'm selling my Rhino.  I'm looking to buy a used SXS.  I've decided against RZRs due to their questionable reliability, or at least that is the way I am interpreting them.  I'm now looking at Can-Am and Arctic Cat....although I haven't really ruled anything out.  I'm...
  14. Stinky

    RZR Reliability

    I'm looking to sell my Rhino and get a RZR. I'm looking for something that is the same size as the Rhino, or at least close enough to use the same trailer.  I am looking for something in the 800-900 size....possibly like the XP900. How reliable are those machines?
  15. Stinky

    Cross in the dunes

    I don't/didn't remember seeing before last weekend.  It is in the Second Valley, south of I-8. Anybody know anything about it.
  16. Stinky

    Lost dog found a lost dog at Buttercup.  In the front. gonna give the Ranger Station at the entrance. It is Monday 3.25 @ 4p
  17. Stinky

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times

    We are now at Buttercup. To say that the wind is blowing is an understatement.  We went out last night and this morning... Not a track or a rut anywheres.  Tbe places that the "Other.Guys' have usually rutted up are now beau-ti-ful.  You have to watch out up near the rim of a bowl as you will...
  18. Stinky

    EJ25 EGR

    We're working on a 2008 Subaru OUtback.  It has a NA EJ25 in it....I think.  It looks like the EGR Valve is not working. Any problems w/that?  Is it pinging and we haven't noticed?  Any other issues?
  19. Stinky

    Maverik in Yuma

    Anybody know, it the Maverik (across the street from Love's) is open yet? I sorta expect them to have a blue pump (real gas-non-ethanol) in their dispensers.  I am getting tired of dragging gas all that way....and tired of dragging about 20 gals of it, FWIW, last time that I went down, in...
  20. Stinky

    Cali Exodus

    Another company leaving from the Huntington Beach area.  They gave them quite a few incentives to come to my area.